
Nothing more to add that hasn't already been said more eruditely in previous comments, but I would like to say that the scene at the beach with Daniel and the little boy just felt incredibly real. As someone who is uncomfortable in his own skin, that overacting one does with children spoken to me on a such a deep

Janet's scene with Marcy the waitress/former-fling of Foakes & Daniel was a particularly great scene for a character who is connected to the main thrust of the show in a real human way. Also, Janet speaking fondly of how Daniel's father made an occasion out of everything, even a meal at a humble diner, had me welling

This show is fortunately being fast-tracked here in Australia, so I'm happy to finally be able to join in on the reviews and comments on this site. They make a brilliant show even more rewarding to engage with.

If this ends up being the series finale, I would be totally fine with it. It was just a satisfying ending to the series. Other than a proper send-off to Britta and, in some ways, the Annie-Jeff kiss, it nailed every single emotional note. I teared up at Abed's mention of Troy and Jeff's murderpalooza of Abeds had me

Strange episode, but something tells me I'm probably going to look back at this one with fond memories. The whole 'Elroy Encourages White People' had me in stitches and the Annie found-footage was both unsettling yet incredibly entertaining.

That episode lost me at the beginning when Jack O'Brien bashed the entire project of academic history and essentially accused historians of being the cause of all the misconceptions about Samurai that float around in popular culture.