
A few things nag at me about this show. 1) Why did Delaney suddenly dump his sister? 2) Why would Strange ever deign to come and speak to Delaney while he's in the Tower? And 3) throughout the series various parties are worried about law and contracts as they are in the middle of violent or illegal or immoral acts:

All good choices but most serious CT fans consider their CT 97 record almost equal to their debut. You should have included something from that on this list. Eight Miles Low or Anytime would be good picks.

Leto is an insufferable douchebag of the worst kind… The kind that has such a huge ego that he will never admit or realize what an overrated hemorrhoid he is.

Are you talking about Politically Incorrect?

He needs to improve. He won't make it 6 months if the show retains the tone and pacing of last night's. I'm not sure how strong Stewart's lead-in is.

Is that Eddie Vedder?

This series died when Richard Harrow died anyway. This entire season is just poorly done and unnecessary epilogue.