Mister Fox

You’d be right, I’ve never flown one. I’m not rated that high. Armchair piloting is the worst and I am certainly guilty of it here. Allow me to take my foot out of my mouth.

I’d have to agree with this assessment. Had I been in the seat, I would have. The FO looked like he was trying too hard to get that thing on the ground.

I think that the size of the Embraer’s control surfaces (and of the plane in general) means you need more deflection of the control yoke to get a response from the airplane. Doing the same thing in a Cessna will certainly throw the airplane around but not so much something like this.

I have to concur. Of course, to me it looks like he’s fighting against too much trim. Most of the control movements are forward and I didn’t see any adverse affects in the airframe from wind or weather. I’d guess he rolled on too much trim and with everything else going on he didn’t roll it back off.

Indeed it is.

Silver’s my color. If I have a choice, and I did with this Mazda3, I choose silver.

I want to make 900 burner accounts just so I can star this comment that many times.

“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

Well, to be fair, this place was more worried about losing my in-laws as customers than screwing me, since they’re that rare breed that is brand- and dealer-loyal. But at the same time, it comes down to what turns a profit. These places bank on the fact that people either don’t do their research and will sign whatever

Same situation when I bought my Mazda3. I’d driven my 2 back to Texas to go to the dealer I’d bought the car from. My in-laws had bought nine cars from this place over the last 7 years so I knew they had to be worth something. I told the dealer what I wanted and what I was going to pay. They said they’d get back to

I absolutely love battleships. WWII history was/is my balliwick and the naval power aspect of the war was always something that I found fascinating and awe-inspiring. This is especially true given the blow to the battleship fleet inflicted at Pearl Harbor. I will never not be tired of them.


I figured this one would be on the list.

I have to admit that I learned in a 1943 Willys MB (the venerable Jeep; this one was military surplus) when I was 12 years old. This thing had a three-speed transmission with a hi-lo transfer case and was a pain in the ass to drive. My grandfather, who owned it, told me, “If you can drive this, you can drive anything.”

I’ll be flying in, in my 1969 Mooney M20E. Probably not the best choice for the playa but it’ll be getting a new prop on it when I get back home, anyway.

ACY is a bit of a mess, anyway, so I’m also not all that surprised by this, nor am I surprised by the lack of communication between flight dispatch, the gates, the checkpoints, and the ramp.

When I lived in Southern California, I used to drive back and forth to Fort Worth, Texas every four months or so (3 times a year) for various different events for four years. That’s a 22 hour drive, and I would regularly drive the whole way without stopping. My logic was that I was saving money by not paying for a

The biggest flaw in Titanic’s engineering was it’s triple-screw design. She had two three-bladed screws on port and starboard and a four-bladed screw in the center just forward of the rudder. The center screw was supposed to improve maneuverability of the Olympic-class liners. In theory, it did, but the real flaw was

I would play this game. I would -love- this game.

You’d be surprised how many gear-up landings occur even with all the warnings and lights and sirens that kick off when certain conditions are met. My grandfather has been flying for many, many years. He holds up to a commercial ticket and is one of the best pilots I know. He belly-landed his Mooney M20E a few years