I didnt mind the change, it actually made a lot fo sense....but i SOOOO wanted to see the giant space squid =(
I didnt mind the change, it actually made a lot fo sense....but i SOOOO wanted to see the giant space squid =(
Because MDs know very little about health insurance. Most MDs work for a healthcare company and dont ever deal directly with the finances of their services.
"In 2000, Big West and Studio Nue took Tatsunoko Productions to the Tokyo District Court over who had the rights to the first Macross series, due to Harmony Gold's attempt to bar Japanese Macross merchandise in North America the previous year. During production, Big West entered into a partnership with Tatsunoko to…
Ive got a Japanese copy of Macross:DYRL and it perfectly condenses all the good parts of the series into one movie in my opinion.
This is most definitely my new background for a while.
My wife is gona be PISSED when I bring home a baby bat tonight...
Shocker...from the start of the Bush2 presidency to the end we did less science.
This this 100000 times this
With the hash tag #notdoingitright
Picture too small to read....good thing I already know what it says =)
So...what temp to do need to get the Earth up to so that I can have a bearded dragon that can learn tricks?
God damn it...you just made me spit up my soda laughing
Ghost Hunter/Repair Tech: "So what yous gots here is either a type 3 spectral incursion or some faulty wiring. Now the faulty wiring will run ya about $100 to fix, but a type 3 spectral incursion can run anywhere up to 5 grand. But you have to ask your self, is it worth it to take the chance that its JUST some…
At first I thought it was an awesome mock post and I was happy
It doesnt seem to like my picture...
Done. Lets move onto the next topic.
I clearly have too many Asian friends (yay for working in a scientific field) as all of the J-pop and K-pop just sounded like regular music to me.
Just do it. It's $8 :)
It was flying at what point?