
So you were into it when you were living in the home market of a good team. Then you moved and the team got bad (really bad) and you stopped paying attention, and you’re framing it as some sort of existential question. Got it.

Gamers everywhere will now be furious that these companies are businesses and act accordingly.

White people are crazy.

Sod, just @ me next time.

Everyone says to vote with their wallets, but they only mean that when people vote the way they want. I don’t like lootboxes, but the fact is that people *have* been voting with their wallets, and they’ve been voting FOR them. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t still be in games. Clearly enough people buy them that

LOL have you even played this game? I’ve played both and the new one blows Battlefront 1 out of the water so I’m not sure why you think it’s analogous to buying the same car a year later and finding its missing a bunch of features. It’s not, it’s driving better than ever.

I feel like you more or less just described capitalism. And it sucks.

I’ve been on Kotaku since 2007 so eat my ass.

Unfortunately not.

Absolutely! It was the correct move. Would have been major BS otherwise. I’m not here to defend EA or the in-game economy, just to say that the actual gameplay is very fun and the game looks great.

This doomsday scenario of being in a match with some super player who was dumb enough to drop hundreds into this game doesn’t even exist yet, and when and if it does, who fucking cares? I’m not one of those people that rage if I get killed in a video game. If some asshole wants to drop a hundred bucks to kill me a

Life isn’t fair. I’m not going to complain because some dude chose to buy a Benz and I drive a Honda. If some idiot wants to drop $100 so he can kill me a couple more times in Starfigher Assault, then god bless, enjoy your advantage. Who gives a fuck. There’s actual equality to strive for in this world that isn’t

I haven’t played more than maybe 10 hours, and I have a few hundred banked, and that’s after crafting a bunch of cards. It’s true that linking progression to loot boxes sucks, but I do shrug it off because it’s Star Wars and the battles are usually large and chaotic so I don’t think a single player or two having epic

The game is fun as hell, and the heroes are easily unlockable now. Progression being tied to loot boxes isn’t ideal, but I haven’t found it game-breaking. You can craft almost any card you want with crafting parts.

Your source is reddit and my source is multiple people who have actually played the game and unlocked Vader. One afternoon. That’s how long it takes. I know this firsthand, but thanks for quoting reddit for me.

You can literally unlock Vader in an afternoon’s worth of playing. A few hours. The forty hour metric being shouted from the Reddit rooftops is grossly exaggerated.

You can unlock both in a couple day’s worth of playing. The 40 hour per character metric everyone keeps citing is completely incorrect.

You can unlock Darth Vader in an afternoon of playing.

I had never planned on buying any BF2 loot boxes, but I will be doing so now out of spite towards the incredible backlash. Because in this house, we support the death of gaming!

Do you then also thing trading card games are gambling? Are Magic The Gathering players gambling addicts?