
That’s a yummy roll right there.

Wow, it’s like I wrote this. Unpronounceable name solidarity, Giri!

Downside of that is that if the revolution ever does come, you people are first up to the guillotine.

Step 1: Get a small, million dollar loan.

So 7 of you masculine dudes ordered a shitload of porn? Please tell me this was in like 1989, otherwise not only is that weird, but also dumb.

Goddamn, gamers are the absolute worst.


Don’t worry about being gray, I have a system that’ll take care of that.

Dropping knowledge out here.

In the spirit of equality, let’s do a ranking of boobies.

Relax, no one is trying to take over your dumb car blog.

Adequate Woman! No longer is that just something I say to my girlfriend. It’s now my favorite blog.

At least they’re not playing like a bunch of pussies.

Cylontater, I am here to promote you out of the greys on Deadspin all day.

Last time I suggested a soft-swap like this I ended up single.

Over one thousand shit comments, but this one is gold amongst the chaff. Good hustle, dagmose33.

In New Jersey, movie tickets are like $12 for a normal movie time showing. If you’re talking IMAX 3D tickets are like $18.

Bungie doesn’t hype things, the community does. Everyone needs to realize that we’ll get a few one-off things here and there but this is it. Destiny 1 is on its way out while they work on Destiny 2.