
I’m only missing 8 golden chests because, as Jason said, they’re trash. Pleasantly surprised, I thought I’d have more to do.

They can be spread out!

Please. It’s much easier since the nerf.

Son of a bitch. Beat me to the joke.

Are you also mad they stopped putting out movies on VHS?

Oh, so you’re just here to bitch about video game companies. You don’t even play the game.

Came here to post exactly this. I owned a 360 and no PS3 and was always sorry I missed out on Journey. I am excited for this.

Brand New is the shit. Speak no ill of them. And they can’t qualify, because their fanbase isn’t big enough to be annoying.

Was with you until the typo.

Hey, Burneko. Bona-fide Mexican here.

Uh, sure. The options in drinking beer aren’t just 1) microbrew IPA which fucks you up after 3 or 2) macrobrew that you can pound. You can find nice session beers or pilsners that you can enjoy in quantity that are also quality. Lately, I’ve been partial to Six Point Brewery’s The Crisp, recently, for example.

Right there with you, brother. Luckily my alma mater does pass/fail for first-semester freshman. You get a grade but all that shows up on your transcript is S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). You only have to make a C to “pass.” I had some U’s :(

He’s 5’10” and he lead the league in receptions of over 40 yards last year. Again.

He’s not wrong. They never gave legitimate reasons as to why they released him, and that gang ties article was bullshit.

Woah woah woah. Really? I live in Morristown. How come I haven’t seen this fuck around town?

Is it dead already? I really wanted to play it, although not for $60. I figure I'll buy it someday cheap, but I never considered that the population would die this quickly

Oops. Wrote this in a haste on my phone. This was after senior prom. To be fair, I went with the same girl, my then girlfriend, to both junior and senior proms.

It was senior prom, we were 18 and off to college. I’m not saying I’m some sort of renaissance man in bed, I was just wasted. Anyway, I’m not here to convince anyone, just relaying my experience! I can’t smell Bacardi Razz to this day, honestly.

Do what I did: get a Shiba Inu! All the personality, intelligence and general “fuck you-ness” of a cat, with all the upkeep of a dog! It’s lose/lose, kind of, but at least you won’t be that random straight single dude with a cat.

True prom fucking story: Junior prom I take my girlfriend. We get back to my house and pound a bottle of Bacardi Razz (fuck you, Bacardi Razz). Then, I bend her over and tie her hands behind her back with my tie because I’m avant-garde in bed like that. All is right with the world for about a blissful minute, before I