
Are grown women really into this boy band stuff? Asking for a friend.

Yeah, dude! I legit dropped the Thorn bounty before but then I got it back. I’m not big into PvP and ugh, I don’t know, I really don’t want to do it.

I dig it.

The “meh” heard around the world.

I jumped from 360 to PS4 and while I can’t comment on the XC1 UI since I’ve never used it, I honestly can say I don’t like the PS4 UI at all.

Don’t you love how in America people trip over themselves to defend/justify/wax poetic about billionaires as if they were fucking gods?

It’s all over Twitter. Welcome to 2015 and the internet.

I just bought D3! Never played a Diablo game before. I'm just running around killing shit and crafting armor and weapons. Any tips for a newbie? Currently rolled a Crusader.

It's such a classic!

Well, your highness, you have to speak up! Lavishly compliment my avatar and I'll feel validated, and then I'll tell you how awesome you are for noticing and you will feel validated, and then we can be validated BFFs. That's how it works!

I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd have to defend asking this question as much as I am. Jesus fucking Christ.

I read the article. I never thought you could suspend in the middle of a raid and come back to it, obviously. I didn't know if maybe at the orbit screen doing nothing things would be different. Excuse me for asking.

I have been wondering this for WEEKS. I thought it was coming at the end of February. Then I thought the end of March. But now...?

Thanks, Jason. I obviously didn't think it'd work in the middle of an activity, but thought I'd ask for the orbit screen. Long-shot, but figured I'd throw it out there. It would have been nice.

Did I say it would? I was asking since I doubted it was possible. But, you know, I thought I'd get some knowledge and ask this supposedly-inclusive community of gamers without all of these indignant internet commenters being like "HARUMPH!!! I can't believe he'd ask that. How gauche, how terribly gauche."

Maybe get back to your real job and don't be a giant asshole. I didn't think it would work, and obviously it wouldn't work while actually doing anything in Destiny, but I thought maybe, just maaaaaybe it would be different if you were just sitting in orbit.

Redacted. Double post.

How does this work with Destiny? If you're in orbit and put it into rest mode, will it boot back up to you in orbit? You won't have to sign in again and select a character? I only wonder because it's online and all that so maybe it's different.

Your saying that reminded me of the FIRST thing I said about Chip Kelly when he got hired. I told my friends that he looks like a racist. Now, I was being facetious, but then someone in the media ACTUALLY said that this year and it made me laugh. I am a pioneer of baseless accusations of racism!

Matt Ryan = a glass of milk, personified. Boooooooring.