
Too soon...? Too soon since what?

Jason, I literally almost tweeted at you asking where the snarky post about the Destiny patch was. I decided against it, but I most definitely am not disappointed.

Good on you! I feed my 20 pound Shiba half raw and half high-quality kibble, and it only costs me about $25-30 a month. Really very reasonable considering my dog eats better than my roommates.

It's not speculation. Beneful is crap. They add dyes, by-products, and sugar to their food. The sugar in particular is bad because it makes it hard to switch dogs off Beneful. Their ingredients are crap: mostly corn and non-named meat products.

I feed half Orijen, half raw.

That's me, only I just have one dog. My dog legit eats better than my roommates. I need to portion out the 20 pounds of raw food I bought this past weekend.

Beneful is one of the worst dog foods out there. I can't even get into it or I'll write a whole essay.

April's "manix pixie fairy" character gets old. We get it, she's whimsical.

Facebook?! Pffffftttt. Facebook is for grandmothers.

"Us pissants," says the dude with 100K followers.

Thanks, man. I really needed the click.

You are right. People mature way past the age of 20.

Uh, no. London Fletcher, despite a high level of play, was a Pro Bowl snub for close to a decade until he finally made one at the end of his career. It's a great example, which is why people agree with it and have starred it. Enjoy your sanctimony, though.

So when you hear of crimes committed by 20-year-olds that aren't on a football team, you always think to yourself "Hmmm, those immature little rascals!" Right?

I initially regretted my decision to get a PS4 in lieu of an Xbox after years of being Xbox only. This game and the XB1 price drop were what did me in. A couple of months later, I'm glad I didn't put all of my eggs into the Halo: MCC basket. What a mess.

I have never been arrested or otherwise questioned by police for any sort of criminal activity. This is not a high standard, mind you. Furthermore, let's not even get into the farce that was the rape investigation by the TPD.

If you read closely, you'll see there was a clause, a qualifier, to my statement. Do you know what that is? Are you literate? If so, you will see that my answer is applicable to the question. Is a stretch of over a decade of solid play before making a Pro Bowl not a good enough example? Note: I hate the Redskins,

You're right, he's but a child so let's let the rape and theft slide.

Yes. London Fletcher for like 12 years before he made one. Next question.

I agree. It always seems rather absurd to me when these players are called "immature" as if they're teenagers. Most of these dudes are old enough to have kids and families. Shit, some of them do. They're young but they're also fully-functioning adults, and it's not like the transgressions written off to immaturity