It'll have Smash Bros. and they are even gonna have it playable to more people than usual. While it will also be on the 3DS, handhelds are still not as popular as consoles in the US and many will buy a Wii U for Smash Bros.
It'll have Smash Bros. and they are even gonna have it playable to more people than usual. While it will also be on the 3DS, handhelds are still not as popular as consoles in the US and many will buy a Wii U for Smash Bros.
You realize value is subjective right? The Monster cable does have more value to the people who are loyal to the brand and buy it because of that. Try creating an argument that just doesn't boil down to "You're wrong and dumb." Seriously, what is wrong with you? Can you not act so condescending?
Oh, and that $100 Monster HDMI cable is so much better than that $10 monoprice one right? Do you know how ridiculous you sound after someone made a fun little joke on Apple's pricing? Brand name has a lot to do with pricing.
Wow, Apple fanboy to the max. The PS3 failed at that price point and that $1000 "Steambox" is a niche configuration. Your garage isn't a factory and doesn't contain the materials in the same form. And yes, if you had the resources, some of those components in your garage could possibly be some of the same…
And the DS one just looked like the Gamecube one! And the Gamecube one to the N64 one! There't not much to changing the art style of the game, but I'm sure the poly count is higher (they have elbows now!). What is new are the features, items, etc. While it may not seem like much to a lot of people, New Leaf seems…
The 3DS did not drop $200 and not even $100. And let's not just attribute all the success of the 3DS to the price drop. It still needed games at that time and really only started picking up steam when it had them.
It was most likely a JOKE! Satirizing what other people will say on any Wii U article.
Yes, it is now current gen along with when PS4 and X1 are released.
But you are in fact, too biased. The whole idea of "hardcore" and "right systems" points to this fact. The demographic for MH is on portables, Japan or not. There is no indication to believe that it would do better on a Sony console. None of the titles were really well received until Freedom Unite and Tri. Even…
I just played the demo with all weapons on the 3DS to see what all the fuss was about (currently own it for Wii U). While the additional stick does help a bit, it hardly makes a difference compared with the new large monster lock and touchscreen camera control. The controls really aren't terrible and unintuitive. …
I'm surprised no one pointed this out. 0.71in (Retina MBP) is not thinner than 0.66in (Blade). Or was it Opposite Day? Also, things are considered "gaming laptops" when they are marketed so. MBP is not.
Just want to note, I seriously doubt people can see a significant difference in graphic quality on sub 17" displays...really, all placebo effects and Apple marketing hype.
If you are interested in playing quality video games why do technical specs matter so much to you? Has everything released become crap because they are outdated and everything unreleased is better?
And why is it not a sensible or responsible thing to do? If it lowers the price (which is one of the most important factors in buying something), why is it neither of those things? It's the same reason the other consoles won't natively support BC, because it will drive costs of the system down.
And why would consumers buy a second gamepad when there's absolutely no software to support it? This seems like a bigger issue than the other way around. Wii U developers likely have the resources to develop with 2 Gamepads in mind. And if they have something good on hand, they'd likely be able to strike a deal…
3DS says hi.
At first I thought: "Hey, this looks cool!" And then I went to the Kickstarter page and saw all the registered trademark symbols on the page. And in combination with the $720k+, I feel disgusted. Did most of the backings come from actual Robotech fans or people starved from lack of Macross anywhere other than Japan?
Get what shit started? The Robotech fan-base pales in comparison to the Macross franchise. Star Trek and Star Wars didn't take a much larger series and lock it down so no content was hardly ever released in an entire nation.
So what one guy does is what everyone with a PC does? A modern video card from 3 years ago would still play games on settings the consoles could never achieve right now. Steam is now just a drop in a bucket as far as resources goes and hardware from the past 5 years. Actually think about how PC gaming works or just…
Except there is still hardly any worthwhile software to back up people's purchases. People will just end up reselling/regretting their purchase even with a price drop. I picked up one on Craigslist because I really wanted to play MH, but I doubt most people would have a game they must play on the Wii U currently.