
I'm still waiting to learn how the temple-house got built.

I think the Gems tend towards stasis. It makes sense for nigh-immortal beings and their hierarchical society values it. Looking at our crew, Pearl and Amethyst worked in specific ways. Ruby, Sapphire, and Garnet likely went through a lot of growth as they figured out who Garnet was, but once they found a good answer

I thought this episode dealt extensively with how our knowledge or the world is partial and therefore our understanding is frequently flawed. Over and over, Steven narrates the behavior of Onion and his gang, guesses or tries to make assumptions about what they are doing, and then needs to correct himself. The

I saw it as him playing along. I seem to be a minority opinion, though.

I think that grandfathered in citizens from the colonies. She may still qualify, but she'll have to document her residency.

I adore the episode, but I morn the loss of a Greg-Amethyst outing. I think this would have been their first time doing something together, that we're told about, since the Littlest Butler marathon. And then, he makes excuses and backs out.

Speculating based on tiny details, I think Sapphire's work for Blue Diamond had some ugly moments. The first butterfly comes from over her head but it doesn't bother her until Ruby tries to chase it away. This recalls first two and then a huge maelstrom. Now, it could be a whimsical, exaggerated illustration. Or it

I liked the hitting puberty prediction.

Rehabilitation seems like the wrong word here. Reconcile, perhaps?

She has her own sources of strength, some possibly from her differences. I suspect that she can shapechange so easily because her gem was made to create and sustain a much larger body.

Good to hear. They did a fun Uncle Grandpa crossover. They've got a lot of trust built up.

It definitely felt thrown together to me. As it should, I think she rushed her new body in order to get back in time to protect Steven. And then she wasn't needed. I agree, I think this signals a return to an earlier, less together Amethyst for a while. Poor Gem.

Goodbye headcanon. My sense was event in "Story for Steven" were compressed in Greg's retelling. His song in that episode named him a comet. Comets are cyclical. They go and return. (No astronomy arguments here, please.) He absolutely refused to leave until he saw more of Rose. But he left Beach City to pursue his

He does have his aviator uncles. Who might have been alive back then. And who might mean he has other roots in the general area.

Gems are grown to perform specific tasks. It's an outside bet, but I think a new Pink Diamond will be the final antagonist.

She regularly walks ON the water in her fountains. She'll only break the glass on purpose or if she is seriously rattled. And afterwards, she has all sorts of Gem tricks to let her land safely.

I initially thought the Roaming Eye was another Red Eye — because of the name, similar design, and the eye-Ruby who emerged at the end. Was the Red Eye a crewed ship? What will knowing he shot down Gems do to Steven?

I half expected that to be topic of today's Keep Beach City Weird.

I don't think the Diamonds won anymore. I think they decided to cut their loses and go with plan B.

How much of Pink Diamond is in Steven? How much does her sense of empathy and desire for peace inform his actions? How much comes solely from his own experiences? Could Rose's shame about her past lead Steven to ignore it?