
Honestly, I don't blame Netflix for not having it originally. Until they had explicit demand for it, it made no sense to spend money on it if their number of blind suscribers was nil. Now that there is demand, Netflix will supply it. Simple market laws.

Behold The Dark Sand

Hey! Bird! Two Words: Edna Mode.

Somehow I missed all the reports of this happening, which means I was completely unaware. So, when I was up at 4:30 this morning (I have a weird sleep schedule), I just happened to look out the window and said "HOLY SHIT" quite loudly. Then I took a crappy picture on my phone (hubby is at a con this weekend and has

"Yeah, I see the brush. What's beyond that?"

"In a severe lightning storm, you wanna grab your ankles and stick your butt in the air."

always confuses my coworkers when I use this phrase to confirm that I know what I'm talking about and they should stop questioning me!

Where's the road, Rabbit? Where's the road???

Mother of god!

You mean to tell me there are honest-to-god, real-life people on this rock who don't like this movie?

I'll be the first to say it, Twister was my generation's Jaws.

How can you ask that? I took a freaking selfie while holding a handwritten note directly addressing the subject of the thread. Google me and click "Images". It's me!! You can tell by the heart-shaped mole on my cheek, if nothing else.

Excuse me, but I was born on March 30, 1958, and Alec was born on April 3, 1958. I got here four days before he did, therefore Baldwin is imitating me. And, by the way, when I do Alec Baldwin, I freaking well DO Alec Baldwin (See "Team America: World Police"), Massapequa accent and all. What I do in commercial reads

they found a way to make this movie more terrifying?!