
Dear Hollywood, when you attempt to make another Bible Movie, please try approaching it as if it was based on a fictional story. There are fans who want to see a movie that sticks close to the source material. If small things get left out, or smudged a bit it can be overlooked.

I was just about to say the same thing.

Very good possibility there.

They do. Hopefully these are just prototypes to test things out, and the next pair will be higher up.

I would totally see this movie. Or Broadway Musical.

One story was written by a child, but I don't remember what grade she was in.

You really should. The cover art alone is worth the price. Eddificecomplex did an amazing job.

The plot is specifically from the book Dragonflight.

The big thing I want to know: Did they finally fix multi-player mods? Thats one of the things that made Civ 1-4 so re-playable. The mod community had all kinds of fun, interesting, and new game concepts. And sometimes it was just cheesy art changes, but those were still fun.

"Welcome to level 7."

When he goes trick or treating, he needs to walk up to other superheros and say "I'm here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative."

Erica Henderson is one of my faves. She even did guest art for Sluggy Freelance!

And by using Henderson, they've nailed it.

I swear this looks just like an origami paper mask.

I didn't try it, it was just a pic I found with the eating times on it.


I love the last one.

I was the one to bring about awareness for this puppy, (image below) as well as being one of the authors.

Congrats! I look forward to your endeavors, and can we make this the official place to beg Marvel for an actual dancing baby Groot toy?