
Who da best? io9 da best!

A fellow sluggite has appeared!

The ground is way to flat to try it naturally. Man-made embankments may be an idea.

I don't know about other tornado prone areas, but Texas has a problem with shifting ground. You can spend a lot of money building deep, but you'll just have to dig it up and rebuild every 5-10 years, guaranteed. Many home owners do not have their homes ripped apart by tornadoes every 5-10 years.

You know what would be amazing, if every artist I knew, and every artist they knew, and so on, did a sketch for the DC all-call.

Just a sketch.

Just Harley standing somewhere, fully clothed, with a sign "800,000 to a million people kill themselves each year, world wide. Suicide isn't funny."

Or something like that.

Added to my wallpaper selection!

This one is my favorite.

A choir of ghosts serenade the harbor fishermen as the dawn brings a calm to the bay. The stormy night has passed, taking with it a score of lives. The cold light of the sun gently touches the faces of those whose souls have fled into the ether. The deep freeze will keep them memorialized until the early thaw.

This comment would be truly upsetting if I didn't know much about the Fort Worth Zoo. Thankfully, I've been almost a dozen times in my life. I've also been to lots of zoos across the country. Most of them are good, high quality places with large enclosures that are very well landscaped. Most zoos have a decent sized

Would being the person responsible for opening your eyes to the unofficial Niner Anthology count as a social media accomplishment?

There Will Be Dragons FTW!

As for the main t site -things are just wonky. I've heard that someone has to follow you for your comments to always past the approval curtain. As far as who is supposed to follow you, I've heard different answers, like the actual site, or editors, or even authors. Elifikno.

Thursday Tales is an unofficial subforum, which is why the io9 site doesn't mention it what so ever. We do our own thing.

Those could be shirt stencils!

It there every Thursday, look for a link in the odeck.

I think this is his zazzle store.

And now I'm hungry again.

I forgot, my favorite name was the Gawkraken

Banhammer, Trollbane.

Death of the Gawkerkraken (Kinjakraken): Adventures in Airships