Oh for crying out loud, people. Bummer that it got wadded. Give the guy a break already.
Should've taken the Van Wick.
Thanks for posting! You've guilted me into heading up there tomorrow.
Oh, and great pic!
Nope. You're gonna see them oot & aboot. ✌🏻️
Absolutely can’t wait to see these things out & about in owners’ hands.
What an awesome pic. Saved for future use! 🍻
Eff that guy with Briatore’s yacht.
Or early Speedvision. That’s what I miss.
No Gawker content, either. Such a win for him and them.
C’mon. You were repeatedly called an asshole simply for driving a Cayman S? Hasn’t ever been my experience over the course of several years of CS ownership. So, nah. Unless of course you had it comin’.
Holy crap, what a deal. No brainer for an interesting little car. 👍🏼
Absolutely. That thing is insanely cool.
Now that there’s some awesome Ranchero sauce!
Great video! 🍻
Incredible! Thanks for posting.
Probably just left a f*ck Trump intersection circle jerk. Shame about the little Honder.
So uncalled for. I’m not a cop hater, but this particular one is an absolute douche.
The life they were living is what led to their deaths. No more, no less.