
I was half expecting the Trololo song to accompany that moment.

Exactly. Their interactions are cyclical at this stage.

I find Piper and Alex, and their whole ridiculous on-off-on-off love thing, to be the weakest part of Orange. The characters are obnoxious enough on their own but that added to some truly baffling plot choices to simply force in more soap opera drama is really annoying. To me, the rest of the cast and their

It's a struggle to think of another show that has squandered such promise and goodwill in such spectacular fashion (Actually, Heroes Season 2 pretty much fits the bill). Guillermo Del Toro? Proper vampires? Quality gore? It should have been an easy home-run. Over the course of the season everything that can go wrong

The Master's design is incredibly poor, shockingly so when you consider that Del Toro is involved: creature design is something he usually nails out of the park. I'm baffled as to how they got The Master so laughably wrong.

I really like the whole vicious vampire end of the world thing and I still think The Strain is a total mess. A disappointing one at that. For all of The Walking Dead's faults, and boy oh boy there are many, every so often it knocks it out of the park with an episode like last season's The Grove. I don't see The Strain

At least the Sophia arc had a pretty effective pay-off, I don't see The Strain managing anything similar.

Gas station cashier dude is clearly the brother of taxi driver dude last week.

Character stupidity remains The Strain's biggest problem right now. The writing for the taxi driver was atrociously bad.

True Blood limps across the finish line and has left me feeling utterly nonchalant. Dexter's finale was offensively bad and ticked me right off, Battlestar Galactica's ending left me puzzled, Heroes being put out of its misery was a relief, but True Blood is a big fat nothing. Pretty odd considering the show spent

I agree with the review, Episode 4 was the best episode of The Strain thus far. Badass Setrakian, a rather fantastic sequence with the tongue-thing that Eph pulled out — his expressions were golden by the way, psycho wife feeding the neighbor to her husband; there was some genuinely entertaining stuff here.

True Blood did pretty well with the Maenad but that's about it, sadly. Sam should have shifted into some great animals but they have completely wasted his abilities and don't get me started on the 'werewolves'.

Okay, absolutely fair…but Lee Pace!

Agreed. How can you care about characters that look as if their personality could fit on the back of a stamp?

Same! If the rest of the season is him 'doddering' up to vampires and then slaying them like a badass I'd be 100% happy.

David Bradley continues to be The Strain's MVP. No doubt. The scenes with him and Richard Sammel's Eichorst are electric.

Three episodes in and The Strain continues to vex and disappoint. The drama isn't working: poor acting except for a handful of actors, atrocious dialogue — “Like the Trade Center? Remember?”, cliche subplots and some baffling character logic. The show's saving grace is the horror element (the gore is working

He also got the best scene. The script and acting for Reverend Daniels has been completely on point and a somewhat tragic reminder of True Blood's failures to capitalize on its strengths.