
Danuta Danielsson ftw

Awww, I love the white guy espousing the “hate speech is free speech!” argument. I get it. If we don’t allow women and minority groups to be formally verbally attacked in a free speech zone on any given campus, we are like North Fucking Korea. Dang, I love cool white guys who totally understand what free speech really

Yeah, well a majority of Americans didn’t vote for Trump, yet here we are.


To this day, “Plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston!” remains not only my favourite lyric in any Disney song, ever, but quite possibly, one of my favourite lyrics ever written, period.

Breaking: Donald Trump to receive “Extremely Handsome, Great Taste and Not At All A Con Man Award” from group funded by Donald Trump.

The bottle of wine I just drank did more in its life for women than Mike Pence ever will.

“I think you’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks,” he said.

Converted Jews are like the vegan crossfitters of Judaism: they can’t wait to tell you about it, nobody gives a shit, and you can’t wait for them to shut up.

You’re Billy Zane!!!


Winston was a bit of a slow roll for me, but man was he seriously one fantastic character.


True. I wouldn’t mind if they gave Schmidt a spinoff show w/CeCe.

I stopped watching Bones when they killed off Sweets. Literally turned off the television and was like “fuck this.” Haven’t looked back.

My ex got me a book of Schmidt-isms. Best gift I’ve ever gotten in my LIFE.

I guess it makes sense that their show cycles would line up.