
Attention! Potential SPOILER incoming!

An eventful episode. Lito lost a flip-flop.

Why, it's a "113,4 Gramer with Cheese". It's really easy.

Nah, these sort of mutual resentments between east and west were present all through the 90s. Hell, they even still exist today, though not on that level.

Oh yes, that was outright exhilarating.

Maybe someone with an Indian background could help clarify, how much these sort of conflicts are a real issue in India, because it seems a little bit bizarre to me. Are these guys religious fanatics, who fight against any small bit of necessary modernisation, just like Christian fundamentalists in other places. Or are

So, the "general, and deadly, badass"… Donnie or Mrs. S.?

I understand, what you're getting at. But what if I refuse to be trained, because I'm not an impressionable monkey. When the show does Pod's magic dick adventures in the whorehouse or Bronn's Caged Heat experience, I know they are pandering to me as a man, although I find it completely unnecessary. When the show uses

Do artists really have to adjust their work, so that there's minimum opportunity for idiots to get it wrong?

No, the orthodox priest in the first episode means, they're either Russian or Serbian. The name sounds more Russian to me. There are many Russian immigrants in eastern Germany, so that fits (although a lot of them are actually Jewish). They mostly came after the Soviet collapse.

But what if I apply the show's own logic, and the other Sensates get the sniffles by proxy. It's simply irresponsible.

No, that's masturbatory…

Interesting idea, but having the only two black main characters be secretly related, would be, -as they say on tumblr-, "problematic". And also kinda incestous, given the mental connection between Nomi and Capheus.

During this episode it really struck me, how much the show is carried by the music. That crescendo when little Kala looks through Ganesha's eye, combined with the visuals, gave me some goosebumps. Another thing this show has in common with Cloud Atlas, where the soundtrack was also quite good. I mean, it isn't subtle,

Was it really that awful, though? To me, it wasn't at the expense of jews or holocaust victims, but more about the mentality of the people in that conference room, i.e.: If we already don't view these inmates as people, why not go the whole way?

Am I the only one who felt, that Cheryl was the only likable person in that room? Let's face it, she was basically fired for revealing the inconvenient truth, what terrible, terrible people they all are.

I haven't watched ahead, but so far I don't understand the problems with Alex's story line. I think, it's a necessary element of danger. Without it, there would be no threat of violence anymore in the show. The prison already seams much too cozy, most of the time.

Oh sure, that's actually what I ment. There's no need for pretenses, cause no one who's into quality TV shows still bothers with German (Free-)TV. So, of course Spiegel Online publishes the review in time for the American airing instead of/in addition to the German airing.

Somehow I don't think, there's a lot of overlap between RTL watchers and pirates of good TV fiction.

Spoiler Alert: America wins the Cold War. And then they get German TV shows three months earlier than Germany itself.