
Agreed. And she singled out those two sports because of their violent nature. I hate fighting sports, and football is insidious in the way it robs young athletes of their bodies and minds.

"Much to the public sorrow and private delight of his heirs, Malcolm McMoneypants implemented his estate plan late Sunday night."

Casablanca, White Album, Citizen Kane, Rope. 3 long-time big big favorites, and a flick I was surprised by how enjoyable it was.

They were one of my first favorite bands - my high school rock band played at least 5 of their songs. But that documentary made the whole lot look terrible - Henley the Smug One, Felder the Passive-aggressive One, Walsh the Simpleton, Schmit the Ass Kisser, and Frey the Asshole. I don't think there are any

The mask was missing the pucker.

In New York, we type "hot," because we're in a hurry. And it's right-hand only with touch-typing.

You might want a back-up to "The Great Dictator" - it can be a bit didactic, and it might remind you of our current politics. "Forty-Second Street" is the one I would go with, which also has some social awareness between the swell sexiness and song (plus the klutzy feet of Ruby Keeler).

Especially these two larger-than-life personalities.

I tried to find the awards show where I first saw their mother-daughter act. It must have been the 1997 American Comedy Awards, which is not online (probably because the awards themselves are in legal limbo). Carrie took over Debbie's presentation, and Mom sat down on the stage's steps, shaking her head and

What losses for their family, though. Two huge personalities in such a short time.

My two favorite Carrie Fisher memories:

I've said that for years. But I warn you, do not watch that documentary about them, for boy, they are assholes.

You write very well about this, Arundel - I started to respond to your post up above. A lot of people have fought hard over these feelings, things that can't be turned off and shouldn't be, because they're honest. That fight tore a lot of people up, still does, and, sadly, will for some time. I promise that not all

A college buddy of mine and I disagreed on the merits of the song. I thought it was the best of the year, he was annoyed by the breathiness of the vocal.

It seems like every freakin' thing I watch has to do with our lousy political situation, ESPECIALLY all my old favorite sitcoms. I saw the NewsRadio when Jimmy James runs for president this weekend. Left me more embittered than entertained. It's called "President," if you have the nerve to look for it.

Thank you for the suggestion. Reading might be a bit soothing now. What you wrote reminds me of one of my favorite filmmakers, Jean Renoir: "Everyone has their reasons."

I made it to 1:10, when the urge to go to Google maps overpowered me. Really, they have three radio towers so close to the Space Needle? Totally marred the view.

That Ebert article is great. I always get choked up on the light stuff, like "I Second That Emotion" and the Supremes' "Come See About Me." They're not sad, but they show the fragility of beauty.

Yeah, you just reminded me of what I always say: I'm a humanist who doesn't really like people all that much.

Yep - two large "celebratory" glasses of wine to start the evening. Ugh.