
I wish I had your luck. I flew multiple times a week for my previous job and decided to get TSA precheck. I had it for a couple months and then I went to Toronto for a long weekend. I’m used to getting harassed at the border coming back into the states being a young black male. What happened to me was that the border

This is so true. Before I sold my soul to corporate America I worked in a poor,inner-ring suburban school district outside Detroit where like 60% of our kids came from the city (along with their much needed funding). At the high school level, you had kids who were realists. They knew being an astronaut or a pro

The gallons of Botox ain’t helping

Agreed 100 percent on this. I’m the same age as Miller and it is scary that someone with such a narrow view of the world has so much power. There is some real anger in those dead eyes and I don’t think he’s capable of controlling it.

Agreed. I work in healthcare analytics and would have been fired for this level of disregard for sensitive data

I’d add that she came here at age 14. That likely means she didn’t have a say in the matter and she’s lived in America most of her life. Are we really doing this to people who have roots firmly embedded here? If this is her only crime, it was one of necessity. Maybe we should make it easier for people in her

My pre-K and kindergarten teachers had my dad and aunts and uncles as students and they fostered my love of reading and math. My parents sent me to private catholic school for 1st-6th grade which was actually really good for me as they were rigorous and set a good foundation. I went to public school for middle school

Nothing! I was born in Ohio and had to order a copy of my birth certificate since my original was in tatters. I’m not 100 % sure of this but I’m pretty sure it says Certificate of Live Birth. The entire Obama birther stuff gets dumb when you realize it means that Obama’s parents had the foresight that one day their

Paperwork doesn’t matter in this administration. We still haven’t seen anything on Devos and her paper trail or even the Cheeto-In-Chief’s taxes or business relationships.

Seriously, I remember the outrage over Michelle Obama promoting nutrition and healthy living like that doesn’t have a direct relationship to healthcare costs in this country. Now the First Lady is costing us $300 million a year, because she doesn’t want to move to D.C. Think about what that money could do for people.

Oh trust me that was sarcastic. I used to teach and I’m from Michigan and I can’t stand those hypocrites. The entire family is nothing but scammers and thieves.

Is it that cold in DC because the First Lady (of the night) looks like her face is frozen.

I’m sure she understands that the need for a federal law is to ensure that children in all states are accommodated adequately and hopefully equally.


The fact people aren’t aware of the fact Mexico is under no obligation to pay for a unilateral decision is mind boggling. In Michigan, the owner of the Ambassador Bridge is trying to sue to build a second span to Canada despite the fact that Candada doesn’t want a second span in the area he wants to build. That’s

This times 100,000,000,000,000

This is what happens when you teach abstinence only sex education in schools. These idiots literally don’t understand science.

Which congressman? I want to troll the fuck out of him.

it’s not like it was a surprise that low skill good wage manufacturing type jobs were going away either through automation or outsourcing. It’s why my dad went to college instead of playing pro baseball in the early 80s and it’s been something that has been talked about in the rust belt since I was a kid 20 years

I grew up in a town that has been economically distressed since the early 80s. It’s mostly black and from what I gather was a great place until all the factory jobs went away and crack era America came about. The schools are pretty terrible because no one has jobs to pay for the taxes that pay for the schools.