
Presumably this thing got away from him, that he set out to goose his music sales with a little extra drama for social media, but the cops got involved and they took it more seriously than he thought they would and then he couldn’t stop digging and now, here we are.

Is it just me or...does the sex had at the sex parties just not sound like much fun?

hmmmmmmmm, though it’s sort of adorable to imagine a version of me that would stop doing something simply because my boyfriend wanted me to, that’s not what happened here.

I thought he was fucking hilarious too. That crowd needs to pull the sticks out of their asses.

good for women, they have the right to play what they want. But they also deserve to be paid what the market dictates. Nobody gives a shit about the WNBA and nobody watches, so that’s why they make 60g a year.

I appreciate that. I also feel words betray us all when discussing this topic. Overall I would never argue that men and women are not intrinsically equal. They are. Extrinsically equality is not so easy to define because we are made different for a purpose. Nobody wants to shackle someone to a gender role that does

Yes. I think ultimately women very much on the personal level want to find a single male worthy of submission to and to think of as their “head” but as a general principle want the freedom to be known, and rightfully so, as equals to men in general.

And I don’t accept that feminism was a direct cause of Playboy ceasing to feature nudes. I think the decision had a lot more to do with the changes brought by the internet in the form of free porn, customizable to just about any taste and kink. How could Playboy compete with that?

I think we have come a long way.

You’ve engaged with one comment of mine normally, and I responded in a completely normal way.

I have an issue with irrational people. They seem pretty evenly split between men and women.

how is pointing out that the chnace that u will be killed by your significant lover is low wrong. You guys are just like right-wing racists just replace men with black or muslim.

It’s more of a commentary on the narcissism of many who post on Instagram. Very few great artists use(d) themselves as the sole subject of their work. Instagram promotes exhibitionism at the expense of intimacy: how many special moments are now paused so that someone can get a pic to post of it? Sorry, the thesis of

But... but these women aren’t creating art, they are consuming things. Are you really comparing writing Pale Fire to ordering a coffee?

Do you believe that patriarchal norms shape your personality? Because I see a person’s tastes in regards to dominance and submission as a part of who they are. I don’t believe in the narrative of “I am a woman and I am taught by patriarchal society to be submissive, and therefore I am submissive in the bedroom”. I

I don’t know. Its weird when the article keeps making it sound like rough sex isn’t something normal people can enjoy. Only brutes can keep an erections while doing these things!... except thats not the case at all. Lots of people can enjoy rough, dominant sex and not be a sexual predator or a rapist-to-be.

Do you really think that submissive women are submissive because of patriarchal norms though? Because I sure don’t. If their tastes align with something that some prudish feminists see as harmful. so be it.

If you read Sex at Dawn, it would argue that this isn’t an innate thing at all, but something part nature, part nurture. And it’s fluid—-something that changes throughout people’s lives.

Weird. Women ALSO have fantasies that align with “patriarchal” norms.