
"Because fuck words." No irony there.

You are SO DUMMMM.

Uh... and vice versa. And what exactly does that have to do with perceptions of East Asians looking alike?

It was a JAPANESE BLOG that ran the original story. Do Japanese bloggers "think all East Asians look alike"?

I think that "I bet this guy doesn't even get laid! Amirite ladies??" counts for a few squares as well.

It's still pretty lame to say, "Oh I bet he's not getting laid - LOLZ." That's eye-roll worthy.

I believe he was called a "possible former Neo-Nazi fucker," which means he was formerly fucking someone who is possibly a Neo-Nazi. Her "W P" tattoos (stands for "white power") have nothing to do with Nazi paraphernalia, friend. Also, you might want to check your reading comprehension.

+1 People like this seem to make assessments about the world based on cliched Hollywood imagery as opposed to actual facts. If you pull up a map of LA that shows homicides, you'll see where the real "scary" neighborhoods are - the ones where you might get hit by a stray bullet. The crime in and around Skid Row tends

I'm going to assume you haven't if you think Hotel Cecil is in Skid Row (Main between 6th and 7th.) Does that make the Pacific Electric Lofts part of Skid Row too? The only thing scary about that block are the prices Artisan House charges for an Americano.

"I mean I get wanting to go westside and maybe doing an afternoon in Beverly Hills." That sounds like hell to me. Are you Paris Hilton?

"This part of LA is easily one of the Top 5 Scariest Neighborhoods in the United States." ...Aaaaand you have no idea what you're talking about.