Archer (´・ω・ `)

Yeah, I don't think they know anything about the new kids. Otherwise Michaela's tribe would have used her a bit more in puzzles.

I dunno about you guys, but if I was going to make a fake opening for Stranger Things, I'd be using the theme song from Round the Twist.

They probably send the families a letter that says "He fell into the thermonuclear generator and his body vaporized" or something.

I have only one game downloaded to my 3DS: New Leaf. This actually happened because I bought it on release day after all of the physical copies were sold, but I discovered (much to my surprise) that it works really well with the "play forever" nature of the game. I don't need to deal with juggling cartridges if I feel

Actually, I've finally been jumping back into my queue this week. On a whim, and probably influenced by scrolling through some cool fanart on my tumblr dash, I decided to finally finish Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, because I love that game with a burning passion and still have not finished it, a secret I have