
I can’t even look at those little ones holding hands...they must be so afraid,

i saw the picture of the little kids holding hands and immediately teared up. why. how. why.

I assume the other party in the murder suicide was a grizzly bear.

You know why my daughter gets amazing grades? I only dress her in neutral colors. If she would go full grayscale, she could be valedictorian but I pick my battles.

Trying to deny your kid a thing is the best way to guarantee that they want nothing but that thing.

Why do we expect more from her than any of the other people involved in this administration? We don’t accuse others of being “complicit” because clearly they are happy participants...why do we expect women to be morally more pure? Part of equality is the equal capacity to be a shithead.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

I have the same problem. I feel like I have to justify or apologize for every opinion in meetings. Logically, I know that I am an expert in my field (literally yesterday someone overheard me talking, gave me his card, and told me to call him if I needed a job—but I’m not moving to New Jersey) but I still have to

Don’t be too hard on yourself -- just practice and it’ll get better. I banned the word “sorry” from my professional vocabulary (if I bump into someone I say “excuse me”) and I’ve found that it really helps. If you have to consciously think about not saying sorry, it gives you that second to jump to what you want to

Okay but what about that Cheban dude? He HAS to go.

Yet another good reason all women should be able to choose whether of not they want to have children.

Last week I found out I was being laid off.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.


I don’t remember my mom being friends with the parents of any of my friends, and it didn’t even occur to me that she should be. It’s hard enough to find friends without the added pressure of aligning social circles with your child.

Ugh - I can relate to this so much. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends, I was really looking forward to having a kid and making parent friends.

But daycare parents are rude as hell and NOT friendly.

I have made one friend, and we also take the train to work together. My husband always tries to initiate plans

Pro tip from a woman: If you want to respect your wife,then dont cheat on her, or flirt with other women, or be a prop in an administration that is an international embarrassment. None of that precludes you from have a normal business relationship with other women, which often includes eating. You know, the thing

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

My suspicion is there’s are additional tips if you’re a female traveler.