This was my dreeeeam! Too wussy to act on it - instead, I just sat through mass with my one sad cracker, looking forward to a bagel afterwards...
This was my dreeeeam! Too wussy to act on it - instead, I just sat through mass with my one sad cracker, looking forward to a bagel afterwards...
Fucking colonialists. Also, at this point I am angrier about what has been done in the name of 9/11 than 9/11 itself. How dare Dick Cheney take the name of those who died in vain, starting overflowing waves of bloodshed that now lead to millions of refugees, and children who wash up, drowned, to be photographed on…
This Givenchy show—on 9/11 and in the shadow do the trade center-is the most sacreligious thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Mariana does’t make it any better.
My Jewish parents attended mass given at the Vatican by Pope John Paul II. I asked why, and my dad told me he was hungry and wanted the cracker.
This is my problem with some of the people labeling themselves MRAs. Instead of going on the anti-feminist route, why don’t they talk about legitimate issues that affect men, including:
Any Canadians still wondering how to vote next month should recall that the Harper Government has not only got ride of the long-gun registry, but made it easier to get high-powered and semi-automatic weapons, and to transport handguns, among other things.
It’s HEALTH CARE. That’s all. Anybody that puts the welfare of there fellow human beings aside to adhere to some primitive puritanical ideology is dealing with some serious cognitive dissonance.
This seems less a race to be elected president and more a race to be elected king of the dipshits.
Guys don’t deserve cookies for every feminist thing they do, but if he did that, I think he deserves at least half a cookie, or a cracker or something.
He wouldn’t ask a man the same question. That’s the problem.
Wilhelmina would have told them to fuck off (God I miss that show!)
Anybody besides me remember when the 70s came back in the 90s briefly? It looked exactly like this. So this is basically the 90s version of the 70s come back to haunt us all.
“Still better than feeding your child formula!”
this shouldn’t even be a discussion. The women don’t need to prove they were pretty enough to have been raped. I hate that we’re on this defense.
We won’t while this piece of fucking shit is Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Harper is pulling his strings.
I’m glad that citizens of wealthier countries are concerned, I just hope that government won’t be so stubborn. Hopefully, for my country of Canada, we’ll open things up to accept even more refugees. So far, we take about 1 in 10 of the world’s refugees. With our election a month and a half away, and a likely shift…
I’m sorry :(
Regardless, if your business doesn’t make enough money to pay your employees a living wage, then it is not a very good business, and deserves to go broke.
Also, I saw this joke on Twitter and I screamed. I can’t remember who made it so, I’m going to FatJew this situation.