I mean seriously. Let’s all just throw a burqa over our shameful bodies and heads and be done with it.
I mean seriously. Let’s all just throw a burqa over our shameful bodies and heads and be done with it.
While I appreciate her doing this, I find it curious that Chris Nolan wasn’t put in an uncomfortable position similar to this after the Aurora shooting during DKR.
i mean, it is refreshing to hear a politician be explicitly racist instead of quietly racist.
Here is what freaks me out about Trump. I have had several people (who I had before considered semi intelligent) tell me how “refreshing” it is to hear someone say what they really mean. And how that is a quality that we need in a politician. And for that reason, they actually like him.
They look like Welsh cakes?
Those spots are dermatosis papulosa nigra. They’re a common benign skin condition in older black men. Morgan Freeman has them. Danny Glover has them. Nelson Mandela had them. They are not something that anyone needs to be ashamed of. Bill Cosby is a despicable piece of shit, but his skin is fine. His behaviour is not.…
Does the etiquette differ based on diaper... contents? What I mean is, only one of those necessitates being treated like nuclear waste. I’m not sure a diaper with a bit of pee in it requires a bomb diffusion squad and 3 strands of pearls to be clutched.
Do what moms do on Facebook: fling shit at other moms.
No one wants to have to look at a boob, Donald, especially not this poor woman trying to breast feed.
just want to say 'stomping around like his parents were murdered by floorboards' is an awesome turn of phrase. Thanks much, I'm stealing it immediately.
Mary Fallin signed a law requiring welfare recipients to get drug-tested to receive food stamps. She talks constantly about self-reliance, personal responsibility, and cutting government waste. It’s rather noteworthy that her children are living on the taxpayers of the state, in an arrangement that in Christina’s case…
Ridiculous. Mannequins are not solid fiberglass. They are most decidedly hollow fiberglass. If they were solid (which fiberglass never is) they’d be idiotically heavy. The only comparable thing would be solid resin, which is not used typically for a full mannequin (maybe a head or hand form) and it also is too heavy…
I love Korean day spas! I go with my friends too. There is nothing like being naked together to realize that bodies are just bodies. All the body shame/obsession is silly. You start realizing that we all come in different sizes and shapes. There is nothing inherently sexual about bodies. It stops being strange really…
Her mom is pretty awesome
This is what happens when you teach women that there is only one way to be a good mother. This is what happens when you teach women that perfection is the primary goal, that mistakes are the enemy, that outward perception is sacrosanct. This is what happens when you value a woman’s relationships over her mental health…
I don’t talk about this often because it’s still hard to think about, let alone write it down, but I think I’ve mentioned it a couple of times here and there. Almost exactly ten years a person I loved very much was killed by a street racer.
I feel like this is such a rare moment in internet history. July 22, 2015: article about screaming children is posted on the internet, commentariat comes to sane and reasonable consensus.
I think the tolerance for youngin’s misbehaving varies according to the setting... the more vital / unavoidable it is do do the activity, the more tolerance we should have... the thing is, for the most part that means more tolerance in grocery stores, Target, and air ports / flying — and less in restaurants. For the…
I have two kids, and I also have social anxiety that can make me just not want to go out with them, like ever. My kids are on the Autism spectrum, which means that, not only are they dicks the way regular kids are dicks, but that they multiply that by Dr. Sheldon Cooper levels of social awkwardness and cluelessness.…
Well, I’m sure this won’t be a contentious discussion at all.