
In my experience, as a female professor, I have never received a set of evaluations that doesn’t include at least one comment on my appearance/attire. Sometimes our students don’t even get to the point of thinking about the tasks we set them when evaluating us.

This is the issue: using passive language to describe something that occurs because of people’s decisions. Chase down those people who decided that some people were worth less than others and made the decisions that resulted in death and illness. They are responsible and this didn’t just happen.

Whatever happened to the quick chat to explain things and move on school of management?

She has the same skill as Lupita. No matter what she wears, or does her hair or accessories, she always looks seamless. Like it’s the easiest and most natural thing to wear. I envy that magical skill.

We will always need a significant NDP presence in the house as a left wing anchor and a moral conscience for Parliament. I miss the days of Jack Layton. Mulcair is a good parliamentarian, but lacks the charisma and moral authority of Layton (or Elizabeth May, who does much of the same work as a one-woman show).

I am always amazed at this justification for keeping women out of any activity. Like, you do realize that male genitals are external, right? That testicles are just a little sac of skin?

Bonnie Watson Coleman kicking ass right now!

I just discovered her Instagram. It is glorious.

It’s the tiny-version-of-mom thing. I think I’d have less of a problem if her nipples hadn’t been painted too. It strikes me as off for the same reason as the tiny Pretty Woman prostitute costume from Toddlers and Tiaras. It also depends on how long the child was there, how happy she was with being there, etc. But I

I get your dad. While in the classes to prepare for my first communion, I developed a taste for the wafer. A few Sundays later, I snuck into the church basement (where the Sunday school classrooms were located) during mass (using the excuse of going to the bathroom), went into the cupboard where the unconsecrated

I found the show notes terribly pat. As in “ we chose music from 6 cultures so we can all get along now”. Thanks for that, Marina. Could they just not have done it tomorrow?

We all need to stare this in the face for a good long time. I was recently in Greece and saw many refugees, and many children among them. These people are desperate and we cannot turn our backs.

Great user name! I do eat brie more than once a year, but warm brie is my Christmas thing.

Heat Brie in it! (So now you will use it once a year!)

I’m a big believer in bringing children to as many types of places as possible from a young age, if only to give them the skills to handle themselves. Sure, bad behaviour, freak outs, etc. are an automatic ticket out, and I certainly wouldn’t bring my 2 year-old to an upscale fine-dining establishment, but it’s good

I liked that their hands actually made the shape of a vagina!

My husband was all proud of himself for coming home with Super Plus tampons. He was all like “They’re Super PLUS!”. There was some explaining that day.

And that’s why we like her.

You sound like a very gracious person. I would hope to have handled the same situation with such empathy. You’re right: poor Chloe.

Do you know anything about what happened to him before you got him? We have a rescue with obvious issues (fear of hats, hand shy, super food-driven, etc.) and we have no idea about his history. (Someone left him tied up to the gate of the shelter in the middle of the night.) Every time he shows that anxiety, my heart