I forgot the orphanage. She was awesome.
I forgot the orphanage. She was awesome.
Why isn’t she a fashion designer by day? And no magic earrings? Pass too.
Not the bit from Dumbo! (I'm weeping at the thought of it!)
You can really read the emotion in this picture. She sounds like she was a great lady.
This is awesome. I have spent this Mother's Day appreciating the women who allow those of us who are mothers to do a half-decent job by teaching, supporting, caring for (etc, etc., etc.) kids (little and grown). I couldn't do it without you!
I have nothing but respect for people who have to cut out a toxic person from their life, and for the extra emotional load (both internal and from others who just don’t or won’t get it) they take on with that. One of my best friends has done this, and she is so much better for it. And she has become the most amazing…
This is the plot of Toni Morrison’s Jazz, in real life.
So I assume that this means that there are hundreds of other pregnant girls still with Boko Haram that will have to go through childbirth without meaningful help. This is horrific anyway you look at it. Does anyone know how one might donate to the UNFPA?
You seriously have to be PERFECT to pull of shiny bias cut like that. She looks incredible.
And the dog riding in it with her!
You get a gentleman’s C for completing everything, G. Definitely an F here.
I have such admiration for anyone who can step away from such a domineering religion/culture and who can derive wisdom from those experiences. Thanks for sharing.
What a terribly tragic story. I can’t even fathom having to make such a choice. How did his mother deal with it in the long run?
This is how I feel when people ask if I am ever attracted to my (young) adult students. (To be clear, they are all above the age of majority.) They’re physically lovely due to their youth, but their minds are still so very young. There can be no meaningful attraction to that for me.
I hadn't heard of this, but I love it. Such a simple but meaningful step forward.
Which province?(This is a fantastic idea.)
Vancouver has one of these and pretty comprehensive safe haven laws and pretty reasonable access to abortion and birth control. It has still been used (not as much as anticipated), but enough to justify its existence.
Wait. Christian Grey played by young James Spader. That I could watch.
The last paragraph is spot on! I am soooo tired of being told to emulate men. The office would be unbearable if we all behaved like that and so much more bearable if men were encouraged to behave more like women.
Not that archaeologists wouldn't have been angry, but surely it was the paleontologists that were up in arms over that.