
I love it when someone says, "Go home, take a nap," and you can't get off the bed or even sit up without 2 people helping. And I had my baby an hour later. I loved the medical professionals I dealt with, except for that guy (who told me that without a pelvic exam and only after looking at the printout of my

The during-contraction digital exams are the WORST. At my 6-week post partum checkup, I lay there in dread and when nothing hurt, the OB reminded me that it doesn't always feel so bad when no one is making their way out at the same time.

Same thing happened to my friend. She chose to avoid the amnio and try to push through to the end without knowing. Baby's fine, but there won't be any more after that. Sorry to hear that you had to deal with that too.

Please, treat post-partum women roughly. Clearly they haven't been through the ringer enough. That sucks 10,000 times over.

Maybe don't read this on the bus, but one of my most vivid pregnancy/labour-related stories involved a doctor, a nurse, and a very young-looking intern looking up my business with an industrial flashlight. Home Depot.

My sister did me the solid of recommending stool softeners (nursing compatible). But the first BM. It was the same size, shape, and consistency of a golf ball. Tuck pads saved my life. (And my sister, mother, and husband were all included in the celebration of its passing.)

Alright, for about the 87th time in these comments, women are amazing. Your mom is a rock star.

Same for my best friend. She was totally traumatized by it.

My uterus is wincing for you.

You are about the fourth person I have expressed admiration for in this comment section. Holy cow - you are amazing! Reading these stories makes me realize yet again how tough women are.

WIN. This story deserves the win.

It was definitely worth it for me, but I had a relatively smooth labour. I have so much admiration for the women who made it through rough, multi-day labours and the emergency c-sections. Basically anyone who's had a baby in any way gets all the love from me.

The nurses are awesome. They clean it up so quickly and matter of factly. I adore the women who were in the delivery room with me.

You are one tough woman to make it through all of that. Serious props to you.

Your comment makes me realize what an awesome era for great female characters the 80s were. I feel as though those kind of multi-faceted, smart women have all ended up on Shonda Rimes or Shonda Rimes wannabe shows now.

It definitely makes me a confirmed pacifist of think of scenarios like that.

Fair enough. Nobody hits it out of the park all the time.

We have reached terminal J-Lo.

We have reached terminal J-Lo.

This may seem silly, but puppy/kitten videos IMMEDIATELY. This is what I did when my daughter was that age and I saw a news story that hit too close to home. Give yourself a break and love up that baby. (Congratulations!)