
This is a late reply but yeah, when i work out i am objectifying myself. I bet youre one of those people who think scantily clad women is objectification but shirtless men showing off their ripped muscles isnt.

All minority parents should pull their kids out of schools like this. Luckily these are private schools so just let the free market set them straight.

If there are women out there wgo enjoy objectifying themselves, let them do it! Nearly all women objectify themselves all the time when they slather on makeup, spend $$$ on hairdos, and when they show off their breasts and booty. Stop acting like objectification is such a bad thing when women clearly strive to

Yeah, because the women who choose to work jobs with “objectifying positions” and enjoy them are also scumbags too right?

How about in order to get past the long wait times that would occur for dps players and to get more people to pick tanks and supports, just dynamically give significantly more exp to whichever heroes are used the least that current week.

It wont matter. It appears that dva’s defense matrix completely neutralizes projectiles. So i dont think the rockets will even get to the point of exploding to cause any splash damage.

Flash bang, then fan the hammer on her. She cant recall or blink when she’s stunned and in just about 3 or 4 fan the hammer shots she’s insta-killed. If you can’t do that with Mcree then you just suck playing Mcree.

Its kinda judgemental on their part. As masculine as she looks, even i as a straight guy didnt assume she was a lesbian. There are straight women who look like this irl.

Tracer’s hard counter is McCree and Winston’s hard counter is bastion. Those are just single examples for each of the top of my head.

Wrong, its not that you can’t get love from women. Its just that women’s love is conditional while mens love is unconditional.

I still don’t think the gba would’ve been able to handle all this. I’d say these are original DS launch title graphics. Still looks awesome gives me a nice dose of nostalgia though.

“Ryujin wo!....” SHRRINKT! PLOW! “MWUUAAHH!!.....😲”

Those clips are missing like half the frames. The real game is no where near that choppy. But it can get quite hectic.

And that type of thinking is the problem. Its never women’s fault (literally nothing is ever a woman’s fault) and there is absolutely nothing that women can do to be “truly” safe.

The simple answer: you don’t.

She tells a mostly compelling story. But without evidence is just heresay. I cant just pass judgment on the guy until the police find actual evidence to prove him guilty. If I was her i would’ve went to the police the next day, not 5 days later when much of the evidence, if not all of it, would be gone.

Best response ever!

Id prefer they happened in hood areas like Detroit, chicago, and L.A. so they can wipe out the bad elements of the black community — my community.

I doubt there is any “cute” pics of this disgusting bitch.

Junkrat IS broken. Giving him 2 mines was a bad idea. If you are a squishy and try to even approach him, he just spams multiple mines as well as his grenade launcher at you. You end up taking so much damage and junkrat ends up getting push backwards out of harms way. This is why he gets ults soo quickly. Ive heard