
Oh Caitlin, that hits close to home. The Producers was a staple of my childhood and I have definitely caught myself humming Springtime before and I suspect I’ve sung a few line while puzzling through a problem at my desk and didn’t realize it. It’s a song that can make me chuckle to myself just thinking about it.

Nah, it was much better once they got rid of that dreadful Pizza Place.

I grew up with the Brer Rabbit stories and I really need to read up on them and their history. Because they were definitely pitched to me as versions of African folk tales.

I’d recommend 08th MS, 0080: War in a Pocket, and 0083: Stardust Memories. They’re all based off of the original series which 08th and 0080 taking place during the war and 0083 a few years after.

As someone who hates “shopping around on the internet and comparing parts” I build my own computers almost exclusively because the form factor and component requirements I have can’t be met by the prebuilt solutions.

Always and forever a fan of The State. Like it or not it helped define my tastes in comedy.

Yes. That also fits my preconceived notions of Satanists. I’ve got no real beef with them.

Librarians have a very valid reason for sushing people. It doesn’t mean they aren’t living up to a stereotype while they do so.

Satanists have specifically adopted the symbolism of the antagonists of Christian mythology so that they can laugh at how Christians are stupid for thinking they adopt the positions ascribed to them by those myths.

“We’re not what you think we are.”

The cycle continues!

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For more mysteries in a box on a talk show, everyone should check out The Chris Gethard Show’s “One Man’s Trash”

Fine. It’s not really a DeM. But, I still prefer the original ending. 

How about a version of the film that doesn’t end with the antagonist getting a deus ex machina comeuppance, but rather leaves him ethically and emotionally unmoored -- left to lie to himself and others for the rest off his days.

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Say what you will about The Agency, but at least they’re willing to learn from their mistakes.

Harry Lloyd, good pick. You can really see the family resemblance:

I’m not going to say I fully understand it, but I fully enjoy The Return of Bruce Wayne.

I’ve been enjoying the last few years of Olivia Colman’s dramatic work, but I look forward to the next time she does something silly.

I gained a lot in pop culture knowledge from watching cartoons as a kid and having my parents see the parodies over my shoulder which led to a trip to the video store.

Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition.