
Can we call this what it is? She made her money making mild sexual content for kids under 18. Is that all that watch her? Of course not but lets not pretend it’s not a large portion of her audience. Lets be real. She’s a borderline pedo and it’s gross.

Survival, especially when it first came out, was such a great mix of atmosphere and pressure. For the first third you’re a total scrub, scavenging whatever you can find just to stay alive. After that, it’s starting to clear landmarks and mobs for materials and gear. Then it’s taking on the Dark Zone, finding loot to

Bring back Survival Mode or GTFO.

Advent Children is very much the Donnie Darko of CGI anime follow-ups to critically acclaimed games. Both are gorgeous and messy with plots that only start to make coherent sense if you watch the extended version plus supplemental material, and both inspire a similar life cycle of viewership.

keep in mind that 34.99 isn’t just for the console, it also covers 2 years of xbox live and game pass. which, if you paid for everything individually would cost you $859.

Having a platinum trophy be obtainable and reasonable should be the expectation instead of some mark of servitude to a game.

Sure, as far as disrupting stunts to pull in an awards gala, it’s fairly tame. I’m still not gonna praise the guy for it, though. And I know if I had been working the show I would definitely not have appreciated it. Maybe give the things out in the front while people are taking pictures or something? I just find

Well, yeah, but it’s somebody’s job, too. I don’t particularly care for KFC, but if I ever go to one I don’t make it my mission to lightly annoy people working or eating there, you know? Particularly not with an ad for my own restaurant.

So... that’s a shitty thing to do.

2019 sure has started off with a bang...

Since I don’t respond to greys on principle, this is going to be a lot of quotes.

I’d also say, and by no means want this to come off as me trying to take away from the magnificent point being made here, that Squall’s character arc is just as influenced by both the friendships he makes—literally everyone in the party dumps on him for being an asshole, including NPCs like Cid and Laguna—and the

You’ll see gameplay five hours into the game. :p

I agree.

I hope he realizes that by admitting that a cat in a jetpack is a possible idea they are now obligated to include a cat in a jetpack.

Okay, serious question, how did they fuck it up? A lot of people, including myself have never played this game. It’s a different way to release the game. You’re all reacting to one small blurb of a press release, like why are we all now acting like SE is pulling a Konami, we don’t even know the nature of this game.