I'm probably one of the few who enjoyed permadeath simply BECAUSE it forced me to rethink my tactics every time I lost someone. I knew I had nobody to blame for a character's death but myself.
I'm probably one of the few who enjoyed permadeath simply BECAUSE it forced me to rethink my tactics every time I lost someone. I knew I had nobody to blame for a character's death but myself.
If we could JUST see what that fine print says. I'm guessing it's a "games not available at launch" disclaimer.
Still doesn't kill my excitement, however.
Also valid:
I'm not sure about Bikkle, but there's a market or two here in Vegas that sells cans of Sangaria Royal Milk Tea. The taste is not bad, and it's motivated me to learn how to make it fresh.
In my mind I wrote them all off as if they were already dead—all except the leads Tatsumi and Akame, of course.
At least it's not "Annie"? *Shrug*
(At least, according to the compiled review scores at both Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes!)
I must've dozed off before I posted this reply last time, but...
No "Child of Light"? I thought Coeur de Pirate's compositions were stellar.
That's a pretty awesome mash-up!
I'm with everyone else here, for the most part. The soundtrack is amazing. The mounts are alright, but nothing special (though my fiancee's elven archer DOES look pretty awesome riding into a skirmish on her battle stag).
I both agree AND disagree on the matter of the starting equipment, though. Even though the tier 1…
No "Child of Light", eh? Great choices, otherwise!
Yeah, that's some fierce accordion action going on when you hit Ringabel's berserk button. Also:
Speculation time? Mayhaps, they're packaging a demo of Final Fantasy XV with it.
Not saying that the demo justifies the price. But if they ARE, indeed, doing this, then they may be thinking, "We can squeeze an extra $10 out of every gamer by giving them a taste of what's to come. BRILLIANT!"
You think that's a horrifying thought, just wait until the McLobster happens!
Er, I jest, but now that I put that idea out into the universe...
Better still: Everyone speaks in Pikey.
Is it tourist season already? (Fires up the grill)
Hey, you got a screenshot from "Kingdom Hearts III"!
"I protest. I am NOT a merry man!"
What makes this comment even funnier to me is that, before I got to this nugget of news, I'd just read the following article:
You mean like this quote?