Just curious why are they not sports? Are the people participating not athletes? If not, how do you define an athlete?
Just curious why are they not sports? Are the people participating not athletes? If not, how do you define an athlete?
Yeah, utilization ratio is a huge part of scoring. Too many people close credit cards without realizing what that will do to your score. $2500 used out of $50k looks a lot better than $2500 out of $5k.
It’s a measure of risk. I pay in full each month so they make zero interest off me (not a dime in a dozen years) but I still have a perfect FICO.
Would your spouse no longer allow it on the bed? My wife still keeps stuffed animals around. As long as they aren’t staring at me, I’m ok with it. :)
Meh...what’s the big deal. It’s not like the government was giving anyone syphilis or anything.
Trust me, it’s not funny.
She simultaneously looks 40 years old and 2o years old in that second pic.
Do you know what would happen if clouds weren’t kept in their place by old people yelling at them? Useless? I think not.
Hmmm... why do I expect Paul Allen to begin isolating himself and collecting jars of his own urine while wearing tissue boxes on his feet?
Just like the eucharist, it does a body good!
lol.. I haven’t seen one of those in ages! That will surely clear things up!
I think that’s all it is. A vulva is basically just the external bits of the female genitalia, so grabbing them is pretty much just a crotch grab.
Ahh.. you haven’t tried the delicious nectar this is Laphroaig! You should give that a shot.
Yeah.. I fail to see the issue here. If you look at the article this was written about, the board of Johnnie Walker is supposed to have 50% women on it in a couple of months and the VP talking about this is a woman as well. It seems like this take is just an “I’m offended just to be offended” kind of response.
Fuck. That’s a spoiler.
That would be awesome. Like face recognition technology that identified the politician and in real-time overlaid their corporates “sponsors” onto their clothing.
Why does the second part of what you’re saying instantly remind me of Star Trek TNG?
I’d even take Tony Kornheiser.
I want to snap into a Slim Jim