While the concept is sound in principal, if you just don’t take the last couple of flights of the day you’ll be fine. No real need for continually booking early morning flight unless your schedule dictates it or you want to arrive early.
While the concept is sound in principal, if you just don’t take the last couple of flights of the day you’ll be fine. No real need for continually booking early morning flight unless your schedule dictates it or you want to arrive early.
I was shocked to see him still on the field and that they didn’t put him into concussion protocol right away. That was a massive hit—one of those where you’re watching and say “damn, that guy has to be concussed”. The guy’s eyes didn’t even look right when he was waiting for the next play. Countess and the Saints…
You are delusional.
That would’ve been a great movie.. Tom Cruise as an Navy pilot that moonlights as a highly skilled bartender who starts to be unable to separate the two. Maybe not.
Command, we need a chemtrail flyover at this target’s location. Initial dosing does not appear to have had the intended effect.
It should be all about which is funnier.
Can’t we use the term “SCROTUS” for Supreme Court Ruling of the US? I’d like to say “just look at that SCROTUS on Cohen v. CA”.
You should use the words in the article. Saying “n-word” and “w-word” sterilizes and neutralizes the content. If that’s what’s being said, let the shock of the word in print reinforce the seriousness of its use in person.
I want to see Jeff Bezos’ do the same thing. Then watch a rivalry of between these two “action” stars develop similar to the Schwarzenneger / Stallone rivalry from the 80's.
I know what that’s like...
Maybe you should figure out how to do your job better?
Interesting. Now let me tell you what mansplaining is...
I don’t disagree with your last sentence. But again, it’s kind of pointless arguing about my opinion which just stated that I personally find the feature more useful to me. Your opinion of it being an oversight is no more or less valid than mine.
You said I missed the point of Airplane Mode because bluetooth and wifi interfere with an airplane’s operations. I pointed out that you missed the point because that’s not true and the FAA allows it (since that’s what your argument to me was based on). Anyway...
You seem to miss the point. Bluetooth is allowed in all phases of flight, including both takeoff and landing, for several years now. Apple allowing bluetooth (and wifi) to remain on when turning airplane mode on is fully compliant with the FAA’s rules and regs.
Agreed. I also LOVE the fact that airplane mode doesn’t turn off either when you reactivate them after the first time. I’ve always hated having my BT headphones disconnect when I put the phone in airplane mode on a flight.
Free Gin and Tonic with Muddled Olives.