I may not have had one of the coolest campers but I definitely had one of the hottest (it was the victim of arson half a dozen years ago).
I may not have had one of the coolest campers but I definitely had one of the hottest (it was the victim of arson half a dozen years ago).
To me it lost the "epic" feel of the LOTR movies at the HFR. Some scenes were great, but others had a cheap "made-for-Scfy" quality to them that took away from the film.
http://youtu.be/ Super easy going through security with carry on only. Here's what I do traveling with a roller bag (max size for the plane's overhead bin) and a briefcase or backpack:
Keep brushing your teeth for god's sake. And use some floss. Unless this stuff has some kind of amazing properties that keeps your mouth clean and breath fresh, there will be too many people running around with mouths that reek. "Oh, I don't have to brush, I have Magic Enamel Teeth!"
ha! I came to say the exact same thing.
Rodney Dangerfield is on Mars?
I've dove in some pretty cool places which I'm sure are far more exciting than Nemo 33, but for some reason I've always wanted to dive there as well.
My brother-in-law's brother used to work at ChiChi's and got pissed at the management for some reason so he and his friend pissed in the salsa. You never know what kind of crap you've eaten (literally)
I'm sorry, I can't resist. Your wife only has one tooth? And it's Irish?
Then you could find someone wearing these and then take 'em!
It also isn't very good if it's left at home because "it's just too bulky to carry today, so I'll just use my phone's camera". I'm interested in seeing how big this is compared to my GF1. I totally get where your coming from, but I would love if this is a touch smaller. Although it'll look even more ridiculous with…
I love that commercial.
Great. Thanks a lot, Andrew. I just woke my wife up laughing at Tater Salad. :)
Directed by Michael Bay
"Anyone who does not own an iPod, iPad, or Mac leave the room"
Yeah, Obama's sounded like someone wrote it for him vs something from the heart. At least to me.
But not brick-sized.
A human body with some worthless rocks that everyone thought would be byzanium. Anyone?
Forget the text messaging...UPS trucks with built in windmills on top? That's where the real news is.