My hot dogs are sinners. They get what they deserve.
My hot dogs are sinners. They get what they deserve.
He's like a cool version of Tron Guy. "Geesh, I wish I could lookth likth that"
Much more efficient than putting it in reverse, doing 50mph and then slamming on the brakes.
Very cool. the most interesting part is the cyclic nature of the chart—I wonder when the 3D bubble will burst on the current 3D wave we're in right now.
I admire the civility in your arguments, but I thoroughly disagree with you. Don't text in the theater—it is distracting to others and, as someone else posted, completely pulls some people out of the moment. Your (and from here a mean a general you/your, not specifically you) actions shouldn't interfere with the…
Looks more like a goldfish cracker to me. Even has the eye and smile.
I'd think they'd just be using a pressure chamber and increasing the pressure until it's equivalent to the depth. The 12k I mentioned apparently was tested to a 25% reserve of nearly 16,000 feet.
Yeah, deep and pointless. :) The next iteration of the watch they made so that it can go 12,000 ft. Not sure what's down there, but for some reason I wish mine went that deep too. :)
My watch is good to 1220m (4000ft). I always joke with my wife that if I fell off a ship and sank to 4000ft, that I'd be dead but the watch would still work. Deluxe feature!
You're not breathing compressed air in a submarine, so you'll be good going right to the surface without having to find those air pockets. Of course, a professional dive light is always good to have though.
I believe I heard you'll be able to create addresses
"Compared to a human, not great"
HAHA!! 6 eyes!!! *points and laughs*
But how will you experience the wonder that is auto-correct? For example, I'm sure you meant to type: "We'll I know that auto-correct is gating turned off instantly. If I have a hardwired key board I think in reasonable enough to correct my own miss takes."
What will happen to the content I have on MobileMe?
"why don't you just tell me the movie...err're looking for"
They're more compact than full DSLRs and offer similar functionality. And they do have interchangeable lenses. I have a GF1 with probably about $3k worth of lenses and can get fantastic shots. Some are pretty big which kills the portability, but I can put on a 20mm pancake
That's crazy. Here's one of my favorites.