
Mood urinals.

Thanks for posting that.

Believe it or not, they are the same.

neither did I until I printed it out and put them right next to each other. It's got something to do with the way the brain perceives the B square being lighter because it's in the shadow of the green cylinder.

This is my favorite illusion if you haven't seen it before. The boxes labeled A & B are the same color. It still blows my mind.

OK, so let me preface this with the fact that I lost my high security clearance when I was in 4th grade and captured by my cousin for being a double agent, so take it with a grain of salt. This is all opinion:


Yeah that's it! I knew it was one of them. Thanks.

Reminds me of Clear and Present Danger (Harrison Ford). At least I think it was that movie where they watched the raid live.

Door kicker! Anyone know where this gif comes from?

I've always just beat them with a sledgehammer. Rips right through the case without having to remove any screws and it destroys the platters.

Heh. I liked building models. One birthday I got 8 or 9 models, which was way more than i ever wanted.

That depends on whether or not you want the job. :)

I never even thought about the herpes commercials. That'd be rough!

Hey..that's your own fault. I just said we need to look at them, not actually throw rocks at them. :)

I've always wondered what people who appear in stock images think when they see their pictures presented in a less than stellar light. This girl probably thought "Oh, they'll just use me in a tech article where they want a pretty girl in the shot" vs portraying her as a thieving hooker.

Spend money on Internet access and a computer while people keep dying! The world we live in. Have you taken a vow of poverty and donated all of your money to help fight poverty or disease? Do you volunteer all of your free time to charities?

Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father and Bruce Willis is already dead.