@wjglenn: That's a really great point about other parents reading their text messages. I'll have to remember to point that out to my kids.
@wjglenn: That's a really great point about other parents reading their text messages. I'll have to remember to point that out to my kids.
@Black Knight Rebel: Ahh, but maybe if your parents logged into your Facebook account through a stolen password they would've seen your wall post about "going to put some caps in some bitches azz at Geno's" and prevented you from killing each other in Philly? :)
@Rabinowitz: It's interesting to me to see how different people are in terms of what's acceptable vs not. In my house, there is no way you'd be allowed to have a locked down computer.
@corsair130: I completely agree. All I have to do is look back at my own childhood and think of how much bad shit I did as a kid. My parents had no clue what I did and were always thinking I was an angel (they were surprised to find out about much of it when I had kids of my own and would tell stories of stuff I did).
@YK: That's why you tell them up front that you'll monitor their usage. If they find something, it shouldn't come as a surprise and they'll be no mutual trust lost.
When my kids want to be on Facebook they will make me a friend. It's as simple as that. Sure they can have private stuff that I can't see, but hopefully it will make them smarter about what they post that's more public thinking "oh, I don't want dad to see me post something like that".
@funkychunky: Yes, the Plop Ness Monster.
@DrunkenOstrich: I'll admit I giggled a little.
@scrapplejoe: Look at how many companies have sold tons of product because of the app store. Do you think Pixelmator, as an example, would have sold anything close to what they sold without it? Apple may take 30%, but I guarantee you that many gladly pay it for what the results have been. (I do think, though, that…
@reddyroc: SD slot, faster processor and more ram. Primarily the ram part because I hate how pages have to constantly refresh when switching back and forth in Safari.
@boobsandbacon: Four inches in the same form factor? That would be very cool indeed. Edge to edge would look great.
@MazdaMania: Lol. My first thought was "uh, yeah?" to the MacRumors comment. Then I had to check what site I was on again since I had both open in my browser.
HDHTPCTV. All in one!
@rsmith: Wow.. that is unbelievable. Why would you not immediately revert back to a previous version and re-think the new design (and I mean any web site that has that kind of traffic drop, not just Gawker sites). That has to be a fortune in lost ad revenue, let alone what it's doing to the user base. I know I've…
@RainyDayMagazine: Sometimes engineers just don't think things all the way through. One of my lenses makes a TON of noise in autofocus mode and I simply can't use it when shooting video. Whereas another is completely silent. Now was that a limitation of the lens (just no way to avoid the noise in the one particular…
Based on the diagram, it looks like air is drawn through the area with the electronics and blown out through the sensor compartment. Doesn't dust seem like it's gonna be an issue? Or will they have a filter that needs cleaning? Seems like a bad idea, but of course my engineering degree hasn't arrived in the mail yet.
LOL.. yeah, I don't think Obama wanted to talk about programming. :)
I know exactly what you're talking about, and have recently been able to rediscover that with subscription music services like Rhapsody (which I just cancelled) and MOG (which I just signed up for). If I want to listen to an individual song, I'll just download the whole album and this gives me a chance to listen to…
Ignore area—just pick a year and look at the Y axis (vertical). Total height of the Y axis = total music industry sales. That total is then broken down by format. So if you're looking at 2009, total market looked like it was about $8 billion, of which CD's made up $5 billion and digital was $3 billion.
@philselmer: Porkins gave his life for nothing.