
@LordHelmet: iPhones are under contract and carriers want them announced earlier for retention (and most under contract can't buy right away because of it). I'd argue that timelines for phones are more complicated because of that and have less in common with an iPad than an iPod would. See the iPod dates in a post

@ivan-the-terrible: @joker94: Look at iPod Touch announcement dates vs availability:

I can't imagine Apple would announce iPad 2 without releasing it at the same time. They'd just kill their iPad 1 sales between the announcement and the release date. Great for a launch product to build interest but not so good when you don't want to hurt your own sales.

Complexity Theory? I don't know about that, but I bet Fucked Up Leader Theory could explain their crisis.

@spiderman79: Why can't you just turn it off and live by the rules like most of the other people on the plane vs. terrifying some poor bastard?

@ole3: Thanks for the post...original vid won't show up on my iPad so this was a help.

"skin cell spraying is like paint spraying just you need a more sophisticated computer controlled"

@Ketna: It was the second online game my friends and I were trying to play right after Descent II (using Kali, at the time). Lag was always too sucky for the former, and the poor frame rates on the latter would make me motion sick (but I'd still play for hours).

@bg-dez: Thank you for your comment, bg-dez. Would you like to upgrade your comment font for $3? Or perhaps increase your avatar size for $5? You can be a super-Gizmodo-er for $10.

@tenshinigami: Yeah, you're the type of guy that goes to the movie theater and buys a medium popcorn instead of the giant sized popcorn bucket for only $1.00 more! It's not about what you use, it's about what you get!!!

Crushing void? Or eye-popping, start the reactor type void?

@MJDeviant: Then let it become part of their oral history to be passed down for generations to come!

@framitz: But can't we send them the 2011 NFC Champion Bears shirts and hats? Or maybe they're Jets fans—we could send them those.

@kasika: A year cycle is just a product refresh cycle. You don't need to buy a new one each year—your old device will work for years to come since there's no expiration date on what's in your hands now. We have 4 iPads in our house—with the exception of mine, all the others won't be upgraded for a looong time. And

@Gators15: Damn $350 insurance deductible!

@SBP1: That could be regular home service (or at least the 1 tier up). I don't have business class service, but get similar speeds

@Arcane: My first intentional bokeh shot when I got the lens. I am still amazed how the lens can get the front and back of the lens in the pic out of focus (shallow depth of field? I don't know my terms well enough :).