
You can adjust that on these controllers so they don’t have to go all the way down like triggers. The problem is, I think there are games that rely on how far you pull the trigger. I can only think of Ghost Recon off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are others 

Good luck, they don’t drop by that much ever. Maybe this one will since it’s not custom made like what you can buy from their website.

You kind of described Madden and other non-nba 2k sports franchises. These games aren’t really built to be super engaging with stories and extra activities as much as they are just there for dumb fun. Like “bad” action movies.

Idk if they wear off, but I do know that they sell just thumbstick replacements which are easy to replace on scuf controllers. I’ve been looking into these for a while, but I would like to try before I buy. Hopefully gamestop has one out to try when they get them in.

Can we stop giving these journalists ammo to further their clickbait articles? You know Polygon, who did the interview where they constantly tried to force this poor dev into making a political statement, and anyone else on this train is just using this to fuel their clicks as Ubisoft and everyone involve try to clean

Didn’t Polygon do this like..yesterday? Can you guys stop trying to bait these devs into making a political statement to fire up the comments section over the next few months?

You get it early and keep it as long as your subscription is active. EA Access just lets you play early, then you have to buy it (for a discount)

This is why I keep gamepass (amazon also had a deal recently $30 for months). I can never tell if I’m going to like these games and both Sony and M$ talk up their exclusives so much. Sea of Thieves should have never been sold as a full $60, just like No Man’s Sky. Both games showed promise and were talked up like some

I’m not sure I see the problem if you plan on getting any of the EA games. The sports titles have never been hampered by mtx (although they have them on UT modes), and Battlefield progress has never been hampered by mtx.

I really want this...and I might pull the trigger. The only real issue is for games I plan on playing MP, my friends will be on PS4.

The problem is that there is still no real progression. Yes my increased levels in each area gets me higher level quests with more gold for rewards, but if all I get is a different look, why spend hours grinding? This makes what, 3 special events (Glowing eyes skull, kraken, and now megalodo)? You can get a lot of

Is it not odd that this kid is shirtless in a lot of his videos? I know that’s against the rules in Twitch for everyone, but I’m assuming YouTube has no rules for monetization regarding how children dress?

Yeah, most places I worked for didn’t offer more than 2 weeks, if any. Luckily, I work in IT and supervisors were somewhat nice and would let some people work from home when they needed to.

Nah...that’s not ok. Just like you can control your anger at work or at school, you can control your anger when playing video games. This “in the moment” bs is dumb. Even when I was in high school and definitely “young and dumb” I knew not to say certain things just because I was mad. Just like I knew not to swear in

I’m feeling the Pixelbook myself since I’ll be without my desktop for a couple months at my new job. I heard the CrossOver app runs windows apps without the need to run a virtual machine or remote desktop. I’m not sure what I would need it for exactly (maybe a game or two?) but it’s sort of an added comfort to know

I would say too little too late, but I went back to the Division and they made some great progress along with getting some people back (partially thanks to Destiny 2 not doing so hot early on). Maybe Destiny 2 can do the same thing. It’s crazy the amount of stuff Division has added as far as game modes. Maybe that’s

They don’t understand because they are being picked up at such a young age and, as opposed to physical sports, they aren’t used to performing in a place where you are monitored constantly for what you say and having some sort of...maturity?

“a culture is not involved in something, must be racism and not just a lack of interest by that culture!!!”

That’s exactly what’s happening. Asian-americans are not korean/japanese-pop artists. That’s not what they are producing here. Add to the fact that there probably aren’t many here doing stuff that stands out anyway. What’s popular and from America? Hip Hop, Country, and Pop. I highly doubt we’ll see ANY in the Country what is missing from this article. I feel like this article assumes that asian-americans are producing some sort of pop music. I actually have a few asian american artists that i listen to semi-regularly, and they all sing R&B, and not the dancy/sexy stuff, like, legit vocals. That style of music has lost