
This is easier said than done. I would love to have a cheap wedding and use this money for stuff like a house or something more tangible and long term. But we are dealing with people (in my case a woman) who has been dreaming of their wedding since they were little girls. You try to use financials to explain to them

I feel the same way, but us clicking on this and commenting on it is why it keeps coming back. Putting his name in the title of anything guarantees clicks/views

I agreed with everything except turn based battling being boring. The games listed all have one thing in common: you naturally become op and the strategies get tossed aside. Good, modern turn based rpg games make you do more than stack up the strongest skills and just hit weaknesses for 1-2 hit kills. Battlechasers:

These same folks will write this off as a special case since so many involved are black. Somehow it’ll be something about thugs getting hired and doesn’t represent all the other “perfect” cops out there. Closet racists can spin anything to defend the killing or arresting of innocent people of color.

I feel like if you gotta go through a whole story to explain why something is racist, then it probably wasn’t meant to be racist. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have racist undertones or that it CAN’T be used as racism, but maybe it wasn’t the initial intention.

yeah, I used twitter once to stream a thursday night game, but that’s because I was on vacation and was trying to be sneaky :)

Yes, another unnecessary shot taken at videogames. It’s a problem everywhere and still today they throw in a fat person in a movie/tv show and they only make fat references about themselves for comedic value. “oh man, i took two steps and I am now out of breath”. “oh look, a break, i’m going to stuff my face with food

I’m torn because it would suck for the kids who play and weren’t involved, but if they were able to scholarship those kids to other schools, I’d be on board. Schools won’t learn until they are hit in the wallet, which is the only reason why they cover these things up.

I watched like...over an hour of some TV series on lottery winners. I’m not sure what it was or what channel, it was just on at my grandparents house and you see so many people make terrible decisions or get screwed over...then a few who do fine.

Because there are plenty of people, like myself, that do not live near any of those places. I don’t even think there’s a Bojangles in the state of NY, if there is, it’s hours away from where I live, same for Chick-fil-a, although I hear one is coming soon. Popeyes - there are 3of them within a 30-45min radius, and

I’m in the same boat. I’ve been using which is already setup based on price and the builds aren’t locked in so you could swap with compatible stuff

I sent her first, not because I thought it was the best decision, but because I didn’t like using her in my team :D

Grinding isn’t padding when it’s not required to beat the main storyline. From the 30hours I have in and from people I’ve talked to that beat the game, grinding isn’t a requirement. Outside of that, XB2 has a lot of long cutscenes, though, that’s not padding either. Backtracking and sidequests aren’t necessarily

But how long before I hit a grind/paywall?

It’s not a fumble issue, it’s a control issue. So, saying he didn’t have control means he didn’t “catch” the ball and never had possession so the TD would not count.

That’s always the biggest problem I’ve had when helping people switch over. Their dependency on iMessage and the unfortunate fact that it doesn’t work with anything else and it’s the automatic selection for most friends who are still on iOS.

Consider yourself and the parents of those other 12 year old boys lucky. But in all honesty, that is not a standard to base all 12 year old boys by or men in general. It’s like when people say, “well my parents didn’t go to college but they made a great living for themselves”. It’s not a standard, and it’s not fair to

For sure, it’s easily remedied by stating, “I don’t want you to do that”. If it continues after that, then it’s something to get fired over.

Let me start by saying, IGN’s HR department was dumb and handled this in the worst way possible and I do not care for Colin Moriarty. But, the fact that you think IGN made him who into the person he became is a bit of a stretch....a lot of a stretch. He made a very distasteful statement with very poor timing, then

Right now there’s this whole “get thrown in jail or fired” free thing going on and everyone who did anything is getting thrown under the bus. I’m happy people are finally getting the courage to report these jerks, but I also worry that some innocents will get tossed in there too. I struggle to think that one instance