
Same deal at Best Buy and even drops to $15.99 if you have Gamer’s Club Unlocked. I just ordered mine for pickup today

Same deal at Best Buy and even drops to $15.99 if you have Gamer’s Club Unlocked. I just ordered mine for pickup

Redskins fan here, F Dan Snyder

Yes, this annoys me because they claim it’s not racism that makes them say it, but it is racist in it’s meaning. You screaming the N word when upset is basically stating that “N-words are bad”, or “things that infuriate me”

The first God Eater didn’t look as good as it’s CGI trailers? Unless you are not referring to the actual first God Eater, it was on PSP, how do you expect it to look as good as the CGI trailers?

No need to defend your life choices. It’s annoying how “healthy” people like to pretend like it’s an on/off switch. I used to be super mega healthy when I was younger and my friends wanted to go outside and play sports all the time, now they are old and have kids or jobs that drain them, the last thing you want to do

No no, just wait until the last day and then empty the account

You can only use those characters? If so, it’s probably due to balance issues. I was thinking while watching the video how easy it would be with certain setups. This makes sense

Persona 5 has a built in cloud save that I try to use whenever I’m done for the day. It takes a bit of extra work to save to that one. I’d suggest using that. It doesn’t automatically go to that slot, and you have to agree to access it, then save, then agree to override.

they are expensive, but Razer Blades are the most normal looking “gaming laptops” available.

Well, this is getting saved forever

This annoys the hell out of me. I don’t spend a ton on shoes because I’m cheap, but I love to represent my inner gaming nerd and even if I had to pay ~$100 for custom gaming shoes, I would (especially since it probably wouldn’t be too often). But they make so little of them, that the price jumps waaaay up and only

Unless you are a paid reviewer, why spend 25 hours in a game that you dislike so much? I’ve played games for hours that have FRUSTRATED me (Super Mario 3D world post-game currently), but that frustration is usually just my need to get better and complete whatever it is I’m trying to do.

whoo man you are a VERY good friend. I couldn’t be bothered. I won’t even do that for my fiance because it angers me so much that she doesn’t even try sometimes. I bet those people really appreciate what you do and if they don’t, you should shamelessly remind them how difficult it is to maintain that stuff for more

Agreed. If it were going to buried, those players were not going to be suspended. Minnesota isn’t a big enough school for the AD to care about tarnishing their name. This is a Goodell move, suspend players who have no charges against them - unless it was some other reason, like being out past whatever football curfew

Well that’s just not true. I’ve seen plenty of guys on sports scholarships that have maybe a larger budget on their meal cards, but they are not getting free 24hour chefs making them food, at least not on campus - maybe some nice diner nearby that’s diehard for the school. I knew guys on scholarships that would have

“ I am looking for a messaging platform that is tied to my Google account, created and supported by Google, to be cross platform and device.”

I figured someone would throw this out there. I’m pretty sure he’s the only person ever to do this, so don’t belittle his accomplishment by throwing race out there. It helps that he’s smart as hell and works hard. I love when people think just because someone’s not white they aren’t as smart and are “just an

Yeah, not all state schools are a cake walk. I too am from VA and was rejected from VTech, but accepted everywhere else, including “better” private schools. Just cost way more.

You can tell when someone who doesn’t play the game writes an article about the game. I have a love/hate relationship with Madden because I love the NFL and this is my only option now, but I also realize most of these glitches are one offs or at least not experienced by most people who play this game.

In before the DMCA article....