Do you mind sharing what you mean by “cheap”? I am having trouble letting go of my flower dream and looking for alt options.
Do you mind sharing what you mean by “cheap”? I am having trouble letting go of my flower dream and looking for alt options.
A whole article about bodies and running and no mention of poo? It is totally normal to pop a squat in the woods and wipe with a leaf during a long run, right?! Running is the Starbucks coffee of exercise for me...
My fiancé was set to inherit $50k from his grandparents and we were super excited because we have both made our own ways, paid for school, etc. and are hoping to one day buy a house in a city with a crazy housing market. A down payment like that would give us a chance to invest in a home in a cool area instead of…
Man I thought this was going to be an article about how it's okay to buy a ridiculously expensive item if you just wait long enough, haha. I spent $150 on a top after lusting after it for like 8 months and I'm hoping it will prove worth it. It's a black peplum corseted tube top so seems versatile. Now I just need an…
Team Sephora! I got hooked before I had an Ulta OR Sephora within a 100 mile radius because in junior high I was an avid reader of the Gossip Girl series—no shame! Now, 15 or so years later, I find the staff at Sephora more helpful (I get a mini-makeover almost every time I shop), and the return policy is money.…
I agree... I’ve skipped out on showers etc. and none of my friendships have suffered because I try to only be friends with reasonable individuals. No one’s holding a gun to your head making you buy something at Bed Bath & Beyond. I also believe in managing expectations on both sides of the bridesmaid-bride equation.…
Agree with save the date + planning. Plane tix are expensive last minute. I was against engagement photos too but 1) they were a great way to test-drive our photographer we found online, and she charged us $100 for everything. 2) Now I have nice non-wedding dress, non-iPhone photos of myself from a wonderful time in…
As someone planning a wedding—some of this is beyond the couple’s control. We are super laid back but my fiance is the only one of his sibs having a “full-blown” wedding so there is a bit of pressure. I’m one of two kids and the first to get married. And my bridesmaids are all SUPER excited. They threw us an…
Ditto. There are so many beautiful dresses—the best advice I received was find one you like, then stop looking. I had a moment of regret though when I was perusing BHLDN’s sale section nary a month after buying my dress and found it there, in my size, on sale for $400 less.
Hermione would NEVER buy a fitness clothing store. Especially not shitty Lululemon. I like this from the Harry Potter Wikia way better:
Thank you! I like that I am just outsourcing my wedding planning to Kinja... lol. We have 6 bottles of vodka currently and 2 handles of Jim Beam. May amp that up.
I don’t imagine we would have that much self control to return wine hahaha but that is an excellent tip :)
That sounds super fancy. I am treating my guests to our daily faves- $10 sauv blanc and $9 pinot noir. Hopefully if purchased in bulk we won’t spend too much, and the stuff will be drinkable.
Yes... didn’t mention that. Fiance’s brother-in-law is doing the signature cocktails and is donating all the supplies as part of our wedding gift. We might have a hookup for a keg so I will look into that for sure, thanks for the tips... my parents *only* drink bottled beer so we have to include some for them.
ONLY $3k for 150 people to get drunk? Assuming (hoping) this is a non-BYOB venue otherwise I have possibly grossly underestimated how much booze I need. :-0
I agreed to go with my friend to his grandfather’s LIVING funeral at an RV park. His aunt and uncle were living in the Middle East and in a cult, respectively, so grandpa thought it would be nice to see all his kids before he died. He sat on a chair in a crown and we all danced and chanted around him. I wish I…
I had a brief stint as a semi-pro sports team dancer, and for me it was all about nostalgia. I grew up in a small-ish town where Friday night football was “the” event. Our football team almost never had a winning season, but the band was fantastic, the cheerleaders were sharp and did fun dances, and it was a social…
Baseball players FTW!
The world’s funniest blog. I liked Full House when it was out (I was wee) but rewatching it’s so creepy and awful. Boy Meets World is another one... It's less creepy though and just more annoying.
I’ve never heard of a dude choosing bridesmaids dresses. My fiance is feeling overwhelmed enough choosing outfits for his guys.