
Yea, he goes off a cliff after that. Claiming that there is something wrong in judgement, yes we’re judging him for slut shaming, yes that is a judgement, but judging is natural and something people do. The problem is the guy is incorrectly judging someone. He is judging someone a slut, that’s shitty and wrong,

The crazy is strong in this one.

Frankly, I know this is not gonna be popular, but i don’t care. If she is a feminist, she has no place in the game industry or leave it at the door as far i’m concerned. How do i know that products that I buy from Nintendo will not have any form of her political ideology in-bedded in their games, I don’t wanna hear of

Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple