The Chancellor of Arby's

I didn’t see anything from the Baby Geniuses franchise either. Maybe he just really likes talking baby movies.

Me three. There aren’t many ways to make a giant robot movie too bad, but GDT threaded that needle.

I’m going to get a lot of hate for this, but I lasted an hour and couldn’t take any more.

And another.

Someone’s doing an impressive Thurl Ravenscroft, too.

Sadly, it doesn’t always work out.

My wife, who hasn’t read the novel (and probably won’t) and didn’t really want to see it, went to The Martian with some friends last weekend. The last movie with a spaceship in it that she had seen was Return of the Jedi. SF and science-focused films just aren’t her thing.

I watched Gravity on a seat-back screen on a transatlantic flight a couple of years ago. That was probably the most wrong way to see that film, but it allowed me (or forced me, I suppose) to focus on the story and performances instead of the spectacle.

Having rescued Emperor Palpatine from the clutches of rogue admiral Zaarin while flying a TIE Defender, I categorically disagree with your assessment and take its existence as a personal affront and an insult to the countless thousands of my fellow TIE pilots who gave their lives inspecting cargo containers or

There’s probably also a fair amount of overconfidence trained into TIE pilots. “You’re the finest pilots the galaxy has ever seen, you don’t need shields, life support or caution. You are one with your fighter. Go forth and kill!”

This right here is the key to asymmetrical warfare. Imperial/First Order pilots go to Top Gun; Han made the Kessell Run in less than 12 parsecs.

A lot of attention has been paid to the fact that we haven’t seen Mark Hamill on any of the promotional materials yet, but do you know who else we haven’t seen? Max von Sydow.

If you insist on impugning the fine name of Sienar Fleet Systems’ top of the line multi-role starfighter, I will have no choice but to...well, I guess post responses like this one. It’s a good spaceship and I had the toy when I was little, so knock it off.

It just dawned on me that thanks to the first two lines, this trailer passes the Bechtel test.

Nine light years? A fighter that size couldn’t get that deep into space on its own.

I’ll have you know that I never lost any TIE variant I flew in the early ‘90ss.

This looks great, but I get the feeling that there’s going to be an enormous body count among the good guys here. Just the vibe I’m getting, but I won’t be totally surprised if Poe, Rey and Han don’t make it to the end.

Why are those TIE bombers upside down?

With Vincent Kartheiser as Wesley Dodds? Please?

Of this doesn’t cause some sort of Night of the Comet/Day of the Triffids/Maximum Overdrive situation, I am going to be very disappointed.