Right? It’s not called a blow vacation. Or a blow walk in the park.
Right? It’s not called a blow vacation. Or a blow walk in the park.
This might have happened to me once. Maybe.
Shocker - a mom who makes lists, does Internet research, befriends and observes other mothers, and then applies what she’s learned on a daily basis is generally seen as a good mother. Just like you learn and excel at any other job.
Theres a photo of me about..3 hours or so after giving birth: My husband is lovingly holding our son. I’m in the background, looking on from the hospital bed with a box of Cheez-Its in my hand and a mouth full of Oreos.
I agree. I think it was important to include the scene. I’ll go against the majority to say that.
I think it as an important moment on several levels, the conveying of the confusion and sense of betrayal of self felt by the raped person when they “give-in” and “give-up” in a rape was demonstrated as was the shame felt from having a sexual arousal in the face of violation. It was torture-porn cringe worthy but…
In the story, Jamie explains the idea of not being in pain was compelling. He’s also hallucinating from the torture and, when he shifts to behaviors Jamie characterizes as “making love to me,” BJR is presenting himself in a manner intended to trigger and reinforce thoughts of Claire. Jamie had given his word to…
i’m not saying it was necessary for it to be this graphic, because for me it definitely wasn’t, but i do support the creative decision to let this happen to Jamie (as horrible as that sounds). for some reason i feel like it kind of resonates with Jamie being a virgin until marriage and Claire being such a sexually…
Oh right. Shoulda tagged this "Bye guys."
My husband, not overly sentimental, says to me on Sunday "Aww, did you see that latest proposal video? It's cute."
How to make a proposal all about you 101
Erin, the irony of this is she posts a quote like this about not critiquing a woman's appearance but when you point out problems with anything she's saying or doing, 500 of her diehard fans will tweet you and call you "ugly" to defend her because they love her so much and they live with love in their hearts because of…
"You can't make crispy bacon bowls in the goddamn microwave. That is not how microwaves or bacon work."
And please stop using something I wrote to promote your goddamn album.
I am not 'Hilary Clinton.' And please stop using something I wrote to promote your goddamn album.
Erin you da real MVP
This is a really weird way to announce you're Hillary's new speech writer, Erin.
Oh, I second the Jake no clothes thing. Jake does it in a way Noel Crane never, ever, ever did.
OOH! What was Washington's unanswered follow-up question? "Can Liv eat chips instead of popcorn?" "Can I spill something on this jacket?" "Is it possible that Olivia might accidentally shoot Fitz in the knee?" "Can Jake never again wear clothes?"
Gonna start with what Ava DuVernay tweeted last night:
"An episode like this isn't easy. Isn't easy to write. Isn't easy to direct. Isn't easy to get on air. I appreciate the effort."