
Why would men in other parts of the world behave any differently than you? You're all biologically male, are you not? Also noticed the veiled threat men often deploy when they're criticized about their treatment of women: Watch yourself/know your place because we could treat you much worse.

Well, I'll tell Simone her boyfriend has that shit covered. Fortunately we have some top men on the working on it right now. Top. Men.

Ryan conveniently forgets everything else that feminism has done- which is much, MUCH more than give women more opportunities in the workforce. Like not being sold by your father? Thanks feminism! Like having the right to choose your own husband? Thanks feminism! Like having the right to say 'No' to sex with your

Don't be silly. Everyone knows the 1950s were the status quo for the entirety of history across the globe. The caveman went out and had a hard day at the office while the cavewoman stayed at cave with the cavebabies, sucking up all the dirt on the floor (times were hard before vacuums) while wearing a lovely rock

Women have always worked, especially in pre-industrial times. The only population of women that ever didn't work were the gentry/nobles/rich who were afforded the "luxury" of being "ladies." Otherwise, women have always toiled in the fields with the men, brothers, husbands, whomever. That's always been life since

Ev Psych is often accused of making up "just-so" stories to explain controversial differences in male and female behavior, and not doubt some (or much) of the criticism is justified. The problem is that culturalist/sociological explanations for the same phenomena are just as reliant on their own versions of "just so"

It is true that [straight] men are aroused by women's bodies - biology. But the PARTS that cause arousal are different depending on which culture you grow up in. In cultures where bare breasts are common, breasts aren't considered as arousing as other parts of the body. Some cultures point to the nape of the neck or

Yeah, those instincts sure are a hassle. The last time a beat a man to death for stealing some of my fries at a McDonald's, it turned into this whole big thing.

We know norms are socially constructed because we know history. Everything else you say falls flat when that is taken into account.

I've got an idea! Why don't you never try to invoke evolutionary psychology again? Because it makes you sound like a complete jackwagon.

No not simple at all. It's actually incredibly complicated, influenced by social and biological factors that science still doesn't fully understand. Does this only happen to people in America or other "modern" cultures? Does it occur across all age groups and sexualities? Is this an innate way our brains are wired,


I know, Team Logan hurts me, but it will always be the case. Piz is boring.

I watched the show around this time last year for the first time. Season 1 was amazing. Season 2 was good. I could have lived without season 3. That said, I adored the series and have gone total squealing fan girl over this movie.

Well, he did try to drug his girlfriend in the hopes of getting some while she was barely conscious, and he encouraged his brother to rape Veronica while she was passed out at that party, and he was pretty racist... But dammit, Ryan Hansen is so fucking likeable, he almost makes it all seem forgiveable.

Ok fine...Don't ever say I never did anything you gals.


Team Logan. End Of The Discussion.

I can't take it. I need this movie in my brain now.