Awww Season 1 of I love Nathan.
Awww Season 1 of I love Nathan.
They spend more time in a clinic where two white guys are her partners, but I still agree that it's unrealistic to have so few non-whites no matter what the profession.
All of their clothes got a lot nicer circa seasons 5 through 7. I wondered often how Buffy could afford such beautiful clothes when she's super broke. And how DID they feed and house all of those potentials?! Did Giles pitch in? It was weird since it all followed the season 6 Doublemeat Palace days of struggle.
I remember watching How I Met Your Mother and wondering how the hell Lily Aldrin could afford such beautiful clothes...then they did that episode about her shopping on credit addiction.
This is, hands down, my favourite comment thread EVER on Jezebel. Ever.
Is it bad that I want to read all her sandwich ideas? I love sandwiches. I hate the whole situation and premise, but I love sandwiches.
Comment of the Year!! SO. GOOD.
Wow. Just, wow. I can't believe this man has a position at U of T. What a douche.
It's so funny and awesome to me that you're using Zeus and Hera instead of god (my name is Athena)!
How certain are you, really? Did you research it? I did.
I saw the first sentence in my notification feed and thought, "Does this person think Canadians are lazy as fuck, or what?" Then I saw the other part. Haha I loathe Tim Horton's in general (I hate that it tries to make Canada it's brand, and frankly, the food sucks and they have shit for coffee alternatives and my…
Sewer police.... oh the imagery this phrase conjurs... haha (I'm gross.)
Thanks for the tip, I'll look for some!
Hahahaha yes, it's pretty much my default setting too. By stressed, I meant crawl in a corner and sob/ total snap-show stressed. Align has helped nearly everyone I know with any sort of bowel irregularity/trouble. I am basically best off if I avoid deep fried and fast food as well as high carb foods.
I still eat cheese. It doesn't seem to bug me. But, my IBS is a flaky, inconsistent bitch. One day I can have beer, the next day I can't. I started taking Align (probiotic) every night and it really balanced me out. Now only stress triggers bad bowels.
Expensive home addition though, no? I think I would like one.
Brutal. As a wipe user, I don't use them everytime I go to the bathroom, only on necessary poops so-to-speak, and I always dab the area dry with toilet paper after because I don't like the wet feeling... anyways...overuse is evidently very bad.
I just looked it up, in the States 60-70 million people suffer from digestive disorders...which frequently result in unpleasant bowel movements.
I mentioned this on another post, but in Canada about 2/3 people suffer from a digestive disorder... so I vote creating a better product.
I was more speaking to the reason for using them rather than asserting a refusal to dispose of them in other ways. Another commenter recommended a diaper genie, which is a good idea. However, I do think the manufacturers could develop a better product that actually disintegrates.