
Seasons 1 and 5 were the only good Angel seasons, as much as I love Zoe Washburne, I hated Jasmine ...mind you, in the Whedonverse, you always have to watch the not so good seasons (i.e. Buffy Season 4) to get all of the loop jokes and backstory.

"Go ahead and be against that and I'll go ahead and consider you an asshole." Love this.

It's unfortunate that this vocal minority is seen as a representation of Albertans... as an insider, it's certainly not the case.

Absolutley. And Fort McMurray. A rural city, if you ask me. My husband is working up there and is blown away by the blatant bigotry.

I am in that only riding, and definitely an NDPer. I agree that Alberta is viewed as conservatist, and rightfully so, because we have had a conservation government for-effing-ever. However, I don't agree with the perception that Albertans are bigots. Even being a mostly conservative province (and it's my feeling that

Hahahahaha you're awesome.

Ok, Alberta resident here....have never heard chants like this at the universities in Edmonton. And there was recently a major uproar in Edmonton against MRAs that posted "Don't Be THAT Girl" posters at the U of A that made ridiculous and offensive statements about false rape claims and Slut Walk. The whole province

I think RPatts is pretending to be KStew in every film she's been in. Also, the best part of this ad is Dodai's description.

Yes, your life is all wrong.

YES! Goblin King! My first crush was on the Goblin King...those pants.

Oh Meatloaf...What wouldn't you do for love?

C'mon! Buffy is way prettier and she would never make that poutty "I'm so cute and young and Robin Thicke might fuck me" face.

I seriously hate his smarmy face. He's disgusting. His nose...ugh.

I thought this was just how Jax Teller walks...does he walk like this in other stuff too?

Nope. SOA starts soon...eeeeepppp!

Hahahahahaha A guy in my office has his emails all end:

Off topic side note: ADVENTURE TIME! Woooo!

And she's an English major/teacher? Jesus. I have an honours English degree and will soon be doing my Master's in English so this makes my brain feel like it's going to spontaneously combust.

These two women are total fucking idiots. Seriously? I feel like I am reading a webpage for a mockumentary starring two self-proclaimed right-wing feminists. This is a joke, right?

Canada thanks you.